Background. Urologic pathologies of children are dominated by congenital malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract. ¦ ¶Their management is often surgical. ¶ Objective: The general objective of this survey was to study etiological ¦¦ and therapeutic aspects of urologic pathologies in children.Patients and methods: Data for aetiology, treatment and results in children hospitalized at the Paediatric Surgery services of two National Teaching Hospitals ¦in ¦Cotonou were retrospectively analyzed from January 2002 to December 2011. ¶ ¶Results. A total of 257 patients with complete data were evaluated. Urologic pathologies represented 4.8% of the hospitalizations in paediatric surgery, with an incidence of 26 cases per year. ¶The mean age was 4.9 ± 3.2 years (age between one 1 week and 14 years). ¶The sex-ratio was equal to 14.14. Cryptorchidism, ¶ ¦hydrocele¦, ¦nephroblastoma¦, the posterior ¦urethral valves¦, ureteropelvic junction obstructions¦ ¦, post-circumcision haemorrhage and ¦hypospadias¦ were the most frequent pathologies. Congenital urologic malformations ¶¦represented 81.3 %, followed neoplastic pathologies (7.9 %), traumatic pathologies (6.1 %) and others (4.7 %). The disorders of male genitalia were more frequent and constituted 69.3 % of the cases. ¶The anomalies of the urinary tract were 30.7 % and intersex disorders 1.2%. ¶ The mean consultation's duration of children with urologic pathologies was 8.85± 4.6 weeks. ¶The treatment was often surgical with a mortality of 2.8 %. ¶