Focus is shifted towards renewable energy and sources of natural gas as the demand for cleaner energy continues to increase with global awareness on anthropogenic climate change. Methane (CH 4) provides advantages such as high enthalpy upon combustion and low carbon imprint compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas is therefore predicted to play an important role as the world moves from coal dependency towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. Natural gas hydrate is a solid state of gas and water, where water molecules interconnect through hydrogen bonding to form a cavity which is stabilized by a gas molecule through van der Waals interaction forces. This reaction occurs where water and CH 4 coexist at low temperature and high pressure. In nature, such conditions are typically found in permafrost and submarine environments. Vast energy resources are associated with gas hydrates, where different models suggest that hydrates contain 10 15 to 10 17 m 3 CH 4 at standard temperature and pressure (STP). In comparison, the annual gas consumption in the US is about 7•10 11 m 3. Gas hydrates may therefore become a significant contributor in the future energy mix. Current technological challenges are related to in situ characterization for accurate saturation estimates, further advances in production technologies and continuous improvements of available numerical models through comparison with actual fieldand core-scale data. A synergy between gas production and safe CO 2 storage is achieved through CO 2 sequestration in hydrate bearing sediments, where CO 2 replaces the existing CH 4 molecule within the hydrate crystal. The process occurs because CO 2 offers favorable thermodynamic conditions. Salt was observed to impact the hydrate formation rate and the amount of excess water in Paper 1. Depressurization and diffusion-driven CO 2 exchange were compared, where Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was used to monitor production in situ. CO 2-CH 4 exchange was more abundant for high residual brine, and therefore sensitive to initial salt concentration. Depressurization was assumed to be limited by permeability and heat transfer. Current opinion on geomechanical issues related to hydrate bearing sediments was addressed in Paper 2. Hydrate decomposition through depressurization resulted in production of associated water with potential loss of structural integrity, as gas