The article is a literature review concerning certain aspects of the history of Russian dentistry. In this regard, minimally invasive methods are discussed, including air-abrasive, laser, sonic and ultrasonic preparation, as well as atraumatic restorative treatment without mechanical preparation. Indications for minimally invasive methods, assessment of caries activity and prognosis, causes and mechanisms of the accelerated restoration cycle are discussed. The need to preserve dental tissues has been undervalued in the past. Non-selective preparation to hard dentin is currently considered hypertherapy. The concept of minimally invasive dentistry is also applied in endodontics and periodontology. In patients with gingival recession, it is important to protect atrophic tissues from further damage. After a tooth extraction, excessive socket curettage should be avoided. The research in dentistry should be protected from conflicts of interest. Patients should be objectively informed about treatment options, given recommendations based on clinical indications, wishes and possibilities. It is also necessary to develop economic measures in order to reorient private dental clinics to receive patients with compulsory medical insurance and the use of minimally invasive methods.