Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, are often characterized as representing the next big disruptive change in our everyday interaction with technology. Indeed some commentators have suggested that their impact will be as significant as that of the Internet. It is thus incumbent upon modern, foresightful educators to integrate these platforms into the curriculum in order to more fully equip the next generation of professional engineers and computer scientists with the skillsets and competences needed to realize the full potential of these devices.In this paper we reflect on the challenges encountered when integrating drone technology into an existing projectbased freshman design module. The objective was to introduce the drone as a relatively seamless extension of an existing problem set for a design project involving an autonomous vehicle. In doing so, critical factors such as engineering ethics, health and safety, and regulatory constraints; in addition to implementation challenges; are directly addressed and quantified. Lessons learned and reflections on best practice for the use of drone technology in the laboratory are adduced and articulated.