Current silicon test methods are highly effective at sensitizing and propagating most electrical faults. Unfortunately, with ever increasing chip complexity and shorter time-tomarket windows, an increasing number of faults escape undetected. To address this problem, we propose a novel technique to help identify hard-to-find electrical faults that are not detected using conventional test methods, but manifest themselves as observable functional errors during functional test, system test, or during actual use in the field. These faults are too sequentially deep to be diagnosed using simulation, ATPG, or formal tools. Our technique relies on repeated full-speed chip runs that witness the functional bug, combined with some additional on-chip functional debug support and off-line analysis, to compute a possible set of suspected faults. The technique quickly prunes the suspect set, and for each suspect, it can provide a short test vector for further analysis. Experiments on the ITC'99 benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.