Vanessa Brito Miguel Couto et al
RESUMOHistórico: Os índices de acidentes de trânsito causados por motoristas alcoolizado conservam-se altos, principalmente quando se considera a população de estudantes, na qual o consumo de álcool é maior que na população em geral. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar a prevalência do binômio bebida alcóolica e direção em estudantes no município de Ilhéus, Brasil.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None
Background:The rates of traffic accidents caused by alcoholic drivers remain high, especially when considering the student population, in which alcohol consumption is higher than in the general population. Thus, this study aims to identify the prevalence of the alcoholic beverage and driving binomial in students in the city of Ilheus, Brazil.
Study design:It is a prospective and quantitative study in which a questionnaire was randomly applied to 192 students who were in bars in the city of Ilhéus during the month of May 2016.
Results:The male gender was slightly more prevalente (53.1%), with a predominance of the age group between 20 and 30 years (71.9%) and those who were enrolled in college (70.3%). The results of the research indicated that 76.5% drank for the first time between 12 and 17 years; 50% experienced alcoholic drink at a party or social event and 43.7% started drinking alcohol because of friends. As for the habit of driving after consuming alcohol beverages, 62.5% reported owning it and most of the interviewees would take a ride knowing that the driver ingested alcohol (78.1%). Nevertheless, almost all students (97%) consider themselves well informed about the problematic alcohol consumption, especially when associating it with driving.
Conclusion:The majority of college students usually drink alcohol and drive. In addition, they ignore the fact that the driver is drunk when accepting a ride, despite being aware of the damages caused by this association.