OBJECTIVES: Describe the sample of elderly, who use teleassistance, as well as personal, family and sociodemographic variables. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of the type of prevalent cases. Made in the home of the participants, aged over 60 years, living in the city of Porto Alegre and users of teleassistance. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 25 elderly. The mean age of the group was 82.24 years. Most of the participants were women (92%), widows (60%), who live alone (84%), with a mean educational level of 13.58 years. The size of families varied from one individual to 14 people, with an average of 7.3 individuals per family. CONCLUSIONS: The participants of this study, all users of teleassistance, although they have relatives, live alone. The option of using assistive technologies, such as teleassistance, may be ensuring greater security and independence for these people.