Abstract. We show how the ratio of the abundances of Ar, Si and Fe as derived from FUSE absorption spectra of I Zw 18 are affected by large-scale stochastic velocity fields (mesoturbulence). 21-cm observations with high spatial resolution show the presence of velocity fields with large correlation lengths. FUSE observations were performed with a large entrance aperture which fully covered the galaxy. This means that the observed profiles are averaged over the full body of I Zw 18. Taking this into account, we show that the observations are consistent with the abundance ratios [α-chain/Fe] being similar to those derived from Galactic metal-poor stars. Using a mesoturbulent approach, we found that the observed profiles can be reproduced well with
IntroductionThe blue compact galaxy (BCG) I Zw 18 (Mrk 116) has been an intensively studied object for the last three decades since the first spectroscopic observations by Zwicky (1966). I Zw 18 shows a powerful and recent burst of star formation which makes this galaxy an attractive target for studies of the history of star formation. The neutral gas in I Zw 18 has been observed in the 21-cm line (see van Zee et al. 1998 and references cited therein) as well as in several UV lines (Kunth et al. 1994;Pettini & Lipman 1995;Vidal-Madjar et al. 2000). High velocity and high spatial resolution radio observations have shown that the overall kinematics of the H i gas associated with I Zw 18 is very complex and that the neutral gas velocity dispersion σ equals 13-14 km s −1 , or b ≡ √ 2σ = 18-20 km s −1 (van Zee et al. 1998). The H i column density in front of the bright star clusters in I Zw 18 deduced from the Ly-α absorption profile by Kunth et al., N H i = (3.5 ± 0.5) × 10 21 cm −2 , is comparable to the peak H i surface density found by van Zee et al., N H i 3.0 × 10 21 cm −2 . This high value is such that the neutral gas in I Zw 18 can be considered as a local damped Ly-α system (DLA), similar to high-redshift DLAs observed in the light of many background quasars.The first HST measurement of the (O/H) abundance in the H i region has indicated a possible discrepancy between the metal content in the neutral gas and in the H ii regions (Kunth et al. 1994). This, however, was not confirmed in later studies by Pettini & Lipman (1995) and by van Zee et al. (1998) who have shown that both the neutral and ionized gas in I Zw 18 may have the same oxygen abundance.Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org or http://dx