Recent experimental studies of Shimizu et al. ͓Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 095901 ͑2007͔͒ revealed an activation enthalpy of 3.6 eV for the vacancy contribution to Si self-diffusion. Although this value seems to be in accurate agreement with recent theoretical results, it is at variance with experiments on vacancy-mediated dopant diffusion in Si. In the present study we review results from electronic structure calculations and conclude that the calculations are consistent with an activation enthalpy of 4.5-4.6 eV rather than 3.6 eV for the vacancy contribution to self-diffusion. Moreover, our calculations predict activation enthalpies of 4.45 and 3.81 eV for the vacancy-mediated diffusion of phosphorus and antimony, respectively, in good agreement with the most recent experimental results. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2996284͔The technological application of silicon ͑Si͒ in electronic devices led to decades of research, and Si has become one of the most studied materials. In that respect it is surprising that the activation enthalpy of vacancy ͑V͒-mediated selfdiffusion is still controversial. Recent studies 1,2 support the view that the activation enthalpy of V-mediated selfdiffusion is about 3.6 eV. This value, which comprises the sum of the V-formation and migration enthalpies, seems to be confirmed by recent theoretical results on the V-formation enthalpy of 3.17 eV and the energy barrier of 0.4 eV determined for vacancy hops. [3][4][5] However, the activation enthalpy of self-diffusion via vacancies becomes questionable by comparing with the activation enthalpy of dopant diffusion via vacancies. For example, antimony ͑Sb͒ is known to diffuse in Si via the vacancy mechanism with an activation enthalpy of 4.08 eV. 6 Also the activation enthalpy of 4.44 eV for the V-mediated contribution to phosphorus ͑P͒ diffusion in silicon clearly exceeds the activation enthalpy of 3.6 eV proposed for self-diffusion via vacancies. 7 Taking into account this value of 3.6 eV, the higher activation enthalpy of dopant diffusion implies a repulsive interaction between the substitutional Sb and the vacancy. As a consequence, it is less probable for an Sb atom to find a vacancy in the neighborhood compared to the probability of the vacancy in the undisturbed silicon lattice. Accordingly, it is to be expected that the diffusion coefficient of Sb is lower than that of Si. However, all experiments on Sb diffusion in Si clearly demonstrate that Sb diffusion is faster than self-diffusion, indicating an attractive rather than a repulsive interaction between Sb and the V. 6 Therefore, the activation enthalpy of Sb diffusion in Si represents a definitive lower bound for the activation enthalpy of self-diffusion via vacancies, that is, the activation enthalpy of V-mediated self-diffusion must be higher than 4 eV to be consistent with our understanding on V-mediated dopant diffusion in Si. In this respect, the value of 3.6 eV reported by Shimizu et al. 1 for self-diffusion via vacancies is at variance with the V-mediated d...