COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYVol. 9 efficient algorithms, have made it possible to study the mechanism and kinetics of chemical reactions via computer. In computational quantum chemistry, one can calculate from first principles the barriers, enthalpies, and rates of a given chemical reaction, together with the geometries of the reactants, products, and transition structures. It also provides access to useful related quantities such as the ionization energies, electron affinities, radical stabilization energies, and singlettriplet gaps of the reactants, and the distribution of electrons within the molecule or transition structure. Quantum chemistry can provide a "window" on the reaction mechanism, and assumes only the nonrelativistic Schrödinger equation and values for the fundamental physical constants. Quantum chemistry is particularly useful for studying complex processes such as free-radical polymerization (see RADICAL POLYMERIZATION). In free-radical polymerization, a variety of competing reactions occur and the observable quantities that are accessible by experiment (such as the overall reaction rate, the overall molecular weight distribution of the polymer, and the overall monomer, polymer, and radical concentrations) are a complicated function of the rates of these individual steps. In order to infer the rates of individual reactions from such measurable quantities, one has to assume both a kinetic mechanism and often some additional empirical parameters. Not surprisingly then, depending upon the assumptions, enormous discrepancies in the so-called "measured" values can sometimes arise. Quantum chemistry is able to address this problem by providing direct access to the rates and thermochemistry of the individual steps in the process, without recourse to such model-based assumptions.Of course, quantum chemistry is not without limitations. Since the multielectron Schrödinger equation has no analytical solution, numerical approximations must instead be made. In principle, these approximations can be extremely accurate, but in practice the most accurate methods require inordinate amounts of computing power. Furthermore, the amount of computer power required scales exponentially with the size of the system. The challenge for quantum chemists is thus to design small model reactions that are able to capture the main chemical features of the polymerization systems. It is also necessary to perform careful assessment studies, in order to identify suitable procedures that offer a reasonable compromise between accuracy and computational expense. Nonetheless, with recent advances in computational power, and the development of improved algorithms, accurate studies using reasonable chemical models of free-radical polymerization are now feasible.Quantum chemistry thus provides an invaluable tool for studying the mechanism and kinetics of free-radical polymerization, and should be seen as an important complement to experimental procedures. Already quantum chemical studies have made major contributions to our understanding of fre...