A radioimmunoassay (RIA) of progesterone in urine is described. After the addition of labelled progesterone, morning urine was extracted with -hexane and the residue was either directly subjected to RIA, or chromatographed on celite prior to RIA. The progesterone from celite chromatography was radiochemically pure. RIA after chromatography was therefore considered valid. The non-chromatographed procedure resulted in overestimations, the degree of which was inversely proportional to progesterone content. The results obtained by the two procedures were well correlated (r = % 0.88 and 0.93, for 2 different groups of samples).
Zuverlässigkeit von Progesteronbestimmungen im HarnZusammenfassung: Ein Radioimmunassay zur Bestimmung von Progesteron im Harn wird beschrieben. Morgenharn wurde mit -Hexan extrahiert und der Rückstand entweder direkt oder nach Chromatographie an Celit dem Radioimmunassay unterzogen. Ein im Wanderungsbereich von Progesteron durchgeführter Test auf radiochemische Reinheit zeigte, daß radiochemisch reines Progesteron gemessen wurde. Der Radioimmunassay nach Chromatographie wurde deshalb als gültig angesehen. Ohne vorangehende Chromatographie wurden zu hohe Werte erhalten, deren Abweichung vom Zielwert umgekehrt proportional zum Progesterongehalt war. Beide Verfahren korrelierten gut miteinander (r = 0,88 und 0,93 für zwei Gruppen von Proben).or chemijuminescence assay of a progesterone metabolite -pregnanediol glucuronide (2, 3). These assays require, however, special reagents (a labelled glucuronide and an antiserum to the glucuronide) which are not generally available. In addition, the purification of the glucuronides, both labelled and non-labelled, is laborious and difficült. From this point of view, a RIA progesterone in urine would be much more covenient.RIA of progesterone in urine has been described earlier (4-7). In nöne of the publications, however, was a valid procedure presented, i.e. none of the procedures was shown to produce accurate results. The aim of the present investigation was to develop, for progesterone in urine, a RIA procedure validated by the test of radiochemical purity (8).