Background: Freezing of gait (FOG) is an unpredictable gait arrest that hampers the lives of 40% of people with Parkinson’s disease. Because the symptom is heterogeneous in phenotypical presentation (it can present as trembling, shuffling, or akinesia) and manifests during various circumstances (it can be triggered by e.g. turning, passing doors, and dual-tasking), it is particularly difficult to detect with motion sensors. The freezing index (FI) is one of the most frequently used accelerometer-based methods for FOG detection. However, it might not adequately distinguish FOG from voluntary stops, certainly for the akinetic type of FOG. Interestingly, a previous study showed that heart rate signals could distinguish FOG from stopping and turning movements. This study aimed to investigate for which phenotypes and evoking circumstances the FI and heart rate might provide reliable signals for FOG detection.Methods: Sixteen people with Parkinson’s disease and daily freezing completed a gait trajectory designed to provoke FOG including turns, narrow passages, starting, and stopping, with and without a cognitive or motor dual-task. We compared the FI and heart rate of 406 FOG events to baseline levels, and to stopping and normal gait events (i.e. turns and narrow passages without FOG) using mixed-effects models. We specifically evaluated the influence of different types of FOG (trembling vs akinesia) and triggering situations (turning vs narrow passages; no dual-task vs cognitive dual-task vs motor dual-task) on both outcome measures. Results: The FI increased significantly for trembling FOG, but not for akinetic FOG. Furthermore, the index increased similarly during stopping and was therefore not significantly different from FOG. In contrast, heart rate change during FOG was for all types and during all triggering situations statistically different from stopping, but not from normal gait events. Conclusion: The FI has issues to distinguish FOG from voluntary stopping, especially of the akinetic type. In contrast, the clear distinction in heart rate change between FOG and voluntary stops, which was independent of the heterogeneous presentation of FOG, might provide a solution for this issue. Therefore, we suggest that combining a heart rate monitor with a motion sensor may be promising for future FOG detection.