Developing high-performance thermoelectric materials is at the core of thermoelectrics, which is the simplest technology applicable to direct green heat-to-electricity energy conversion. To achieve a high conversion efficiency, gauged by the figure of merit ZT ¼ S 2 σT κ e þκ ph , the materials should simultaneously possess a high electrical conductivity (σ) and Seebeck coefficient (S) but a low thermal conductivity containing contribution from electrons (κ e ) and phonons (κ ph ). The fS, σ, κ e g are inversely interdependent such as the increase in σ followed by the decrease in S and increase in κ e ; thus, optimizing ZT is a delicate trade-off between these electrical properties. [1] In contrast, κ ph is relatively decoupled. Therefore, one of the mainstream strategies for high ZT is searching materials with an intrinsically low κ ph . [2][3][4] From the computational point of view, the solutions of Boltzmann transport equations (BTE) with the phonon-phonon and electron-phonon scattering based on density functional theory (DFT) have enabled accurate parameter-free calculations of κ ph [5][6][7][8][9][10] and {S, σ, κ e }. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Recent calculations revealed that a series of full-Heusler compounds possess ultralow κ ph and dispersive band structures, [22] which insinuate good promise for the thermoelectric applications. Recently, a high ZT has been demonstrated in Ba 2 AuBi by first-principles calculations. [23] Nonetheless, the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) was not considered, which, however, affects the band structure of Ba 2 AuBi significantly [23] and thus the electrical transport properties would be altered. [16,18] Moreover, the BTE was solved under relaxation time approximation (RTA), which generally underestimates the electrical mobility in polar materials due to the strong coupling of the electrons with longitudinal optical (LO) phonons, i.e., long-range Fröhlich interactions. [15][16][17] Therefore, we carried out first-principles calculations for the thermoelectric properties of Ba 2 AuBi as well as Ba 2 AuSb and Ba 2 AuAs considering the SOC and exact solutions of BTE [11,15,16] and found that all the three Ba 2 AuX have high ZT, due to their low thermal conductivities and promising power factors (PF).The DFT calculations were carried out using Quantum ESPRESSO package, [24] with the full-relativistic norm-conserving pseudopotentials generated by the latest multiprojector ONCVPSP code [25] and the inputs of SG15 pseudopotentials. [26] Generalized gradient approximation in the form of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) [27] was used for the exchange-correlation functional. Ba 2 AuX has a face-centered cubic crystal structure with Fm3m symmetry (Figure S1, Supporting Information), and the relaxed lattice constants are 8.01, 8.28, and 8.38 Å for Ba 2 AuAs, Ba 2 AuSb, and Ba 2 AuBi, respectively ( Figure S2, Supporting Information). The initial electron energies, phonon frequencies, and electron-phonon coupling interactions were conducted on 8 Â 8 Â 8 k and 4 Â 4 Â 4 q grids....