Endwall heat transfer measurements have been acquired in a vane cascade over a range of turbulence conditions and Reynolds numbers using an array of small commercial infrared (IR) cameras. The linear cascade was tested over five inlet turbulence conditions ranging from low turbulence (0.7%) to high turbulence (17.4%) and three exit chord Reynolds numbers ranging from 500,000 to 2,000,000. The small commercial IR cameras have a resolution of 384 by 288 pixels. The cascade was modified with small zinc selenide windows to provide IR access. The cameras were calibrated against a constant temperature test plate. The output images were adjusted for the fisheye effect and thermal droop at the edges. The large-scale cascade, used in the endwall heat transfer study, was configured in a four vane three full passage arrangement. The vane design includes a large leading and aft loading. This same cascade has been used in the acquisition of vane surface heat transfer distributions, vane suction surface heat transfer visualizations, and vane surface film cooling distributions. This paper includes comparisons with two LES calculations, which were conducted prior to the acquisition of the heat transfer data. The influence of the secondary flows on the endwall heat transfer distributions, including the leading edge horseshoe vortex system, is particularly visible at lower turbulence levels and lower Reynolds numbers. However, at higher turbulence levels the influence of secondary flows is less visible but the influence of Reynolds number and turbulence on transition can be discerned.