“…The arithmetic mean SD in each language condition and body sway
axis was estimated for each participant, and the normality of the
SD distribution for each language condition in the ML and AP
axes was examined graphically via Q-Q plots (see Loy, Follett, & Hofmann, 2016) and statistically via the
Shapiro-Wilk normality test (see Marmolejo-Ramos
& González-Burgos, 2013). The Shapiro-Wilk test indicated
that some vectors of data did not distribute normally in both AP and ML data;
specifically, for the AP axis: W HE = 0.95,
p = .2805, W LE = 0.93,
p = .051, and W NE = 0.85,
p < .001; and for the ML axis:
W HE = 0.89, p = .004,
W LE = 0.88, p = .003, and
W NE = 0.87, p = .001.…”