To investigate Mo doping effects on the hydrogen permeation performance of Nb membranes, we study the most likely process of atomic hydrogen adsorption and diffusion on/into Mo-doped Nb (100) surface/subsurface (in the Nb12Mo4 case) via first-principles calculations. Our results reveal that the (100) surface is the most stable Mo-doped Nb surface with the smallest surface energy (2.75 J/m2). Hollow sites (HSs) in the Mo-doped Nb (100) surface are H-adsorption-favorable mainly due to their large adsorption energy (−4.27 eV), and the H-diffusion path should preferentially be HS→TIS (tetrahedral interstitial site) over HS→OIS (octahedral interstitial site) because of the correspondingly lower H-diffusion energy barrier. With respect to a pure Nb (100) surface, the Mo-doped Nb (100) surface has a smaller energy barrier along the HS→TIS pathway (0.31 eV).