Die demiscfie Charakteristik und die d e m i s d e Zusammensetzung von 6 agyptiscfien Cruziferen-Saatolen wurden untersucfit. Die Bestimmung der Fettsaure-Zusammensetzung wurde mit Hilfe der UV-spektrophotometrisden und papier-dromatographisden Analyse durcfigefiihrt. Die letztgenannte Methode scheint sowohl fur die Bestimmung der gesattigten als auch der ungesattigten Fettsauren geeigneter.Studies on the Chemical Constitution of Some Cruciferae Seed
OilsChemical cfiaracteristics as well a chemical composition of six Egyptian Cruciferous seed oils have been carried out. The illucidation of fatty acid composition was made using ultraviolet spectrophotometric and paper-dxomatographic analysis. The latter method proved to be more advantageous in estimating the individual saturated as well as unsaturated fatty acids.The large family Crucijerae gets its name from the cross-like appearance produced by the four petals of its flowers. Some plants of the family have become important as producers of large tonnages of oil seeds. The most important of these belong to the genus Brassica. The botanical relationship among the various species and varieties in this genus are complicated and not yet thoroughly understood 1* *.There is a number of different oils in the genus Brassica, including rapeseed, colza and ravison oils from different varieties of Brassica campestris, while mustard ' seed oil is obtained from Brassica alba or Brassica nigra. All these oils are not always distinguished from one another in commerce and are thus sold, often mixed, as rapeseed or colza oil when it is refined. E. BurksS found in 1933 that oil samples of horse radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) seeds, obtained by extraction with various solvents were different but little in composition. The oil content, acid value, saponification value and iodine value were 26.5 to 29.3O/o, 2.12 to 4.39, 175.35 to 178.99 and 105.59 to 109.72 respectively. The oil contained arachidic, 1.5 to 2.0; linoleic, 8.0 to 10.0; linolenic, 5.0 to 7.0; rapic (erucic), about 60.0; oleic, trace; and solid unsaturated 1.0 to 15.0%. H. P. Kaufmann and H . Fiedler4 had shown that the oil of Eruca sativa seeds consisted of saturated acids, 6.7; erucic, 58.5; oleic, 5.4; linoleic, 28.5 and linolenic 1 to 2O/o. A . Popov and P. Marhdrakov5 found that the oil obtained from the wild seeds of Eruca sativa had iodine and saponification values of 119.8 and 178.1 respectively. The component fatty acids were oleic, 32.3; erucic, 26.4; linoleic, 29.0 and linolenic 6.8 "10. N. Belyaer ref. C. A. 53, 15 602 [1959]). Maslobonio Zhirovoe, No. 6, 25 [1929]; ref. C. A. 25, 1631 [ 193 11. 796 Etudes SUI la constitution rhimique de quelques huiles de grainer crucifhres On a etudik les caractkristiques et la composition cfiimiques de 6 huiles d e graines cruciferes egyptiennes. La determination de la composition en acides gras a ete effectuee A I'aide de I'analyse spectrophotometrique UV et chromatographique sur papier. Celle-ci parait convenir d'avantage, tant pour la determination des acides gras satu...