Imagine yourself on a NASA one-year mission to the InternaConal Space StaCon (ISS), with just a few crewmates in a small, isolated environment that blurs the line between familiar and unfamiliar. You have access to food for sustenance, but its appearance, taste, and the way you interact with it are all different from on Earth. Your senses adapt to the unique environment, as the specially designed food serves its funcConal purpose of delivering the nutrients that you need, considering the limited availability of resources. Beyond its nutriConal value, though, food holds a profound significance in human society.Think of any meal. It involves the food but also an atmosphere, specific utensils, and oPen other people. It might involve your favorite comfort food or perhaps food that reminds you of something, someone, or a special occasion. Food is an essenCal part of life, and sharing a meal someCmes transcends the food itself, as in the case of Thanksgiving or Christmas. These special occasions show us that although food keeps us alive, it also serves other purposes in our socieCes. ScoR Kelly's memoir Endurance [1] captures the profound significance of food in human life. Only 48 hours aPer Kelly's return to Earth, he was back home in Houston, si[ng at the head of the dining table. He describes being surrounded by his family and enjoying the simple act of sharing a meal aPer yearning for it in space. The familiar faces, the joyful chaRer, the clinking of silverware, and even the sensaCon of gravity felt somewhat foreign to him yet also cherished.Designing space food is a complex endeavor that needs to consider the mulCple roles food plays in our lives, especially the context in which it is eaten. How would you feel celebraCng a special occasion in the absence of your loved ones and the familiar places where you would typically meet them, while eaCng freeze-dried fruits, energy-packed cereal bars, torCllas for various fillings, and specially formulated beverages?In this arCcle, we examine the importance of food in human society, focusing on its role during space missions on special occasions such as Thanksgiving in the U.S. We present a design concept called Earth Memory Bites, which considers various dimensions of eaCng experiences in space, such as nutriCon, sensory aspects, emoConal connecCons, social interacCons, and environmental factors, to support an astronaut's well-being. This concept uses advanced technologies, including 3D prinCng, virtual reality, and projecCon mapping, to create immersive, personalized dining experiences for astronauts.
Ea7ng Experiences Unpacked