Int roduc t ioq This Light Source Note summarizes the results of the single crystal monochromator high-heat-load tests performed at the CHESS F-2 wiggler station. The results from two different cooling geometries will be presented: (1) the "pin-post" crystal and (2) the "criss-cross" crystal. The data presented were taken in August 1993 (water-cooled pin-post) and in April 1995 (waterand gallium-cooled pin-post crystal and gallium-cooled criss-cross crystal). The motivation for trying these cooling (or heat exchanger) geometries is to improve the heat transfer efficiency over that of the conventional slotted crystals. Calculations suggest that the pin-post or the microchannel design can significantly improve the thermal performance of the crystal Ill. The pinpost crystal used here was fabricated by Rocketdyne Albuquerque Operations (RAO, formerly Rockwell Power Systems). From the performance of the conventional slotted crystals, it was thought that increased turbulence in the flow pattern may also enhance the heat transfer. The criss-cross crystal was a simple attempt to achieve the increased flow turbulence. The criss-cross crystal was partly fabricated in-house (cutting, etching and polishing) and bonded by RAO. Here, the assumption is that the MTDWat, = 3 MTDgallim. This assumption comes from past empirical observations. Theoretical calculations [2,3] suggest that, depending on the actual geometry, MTDWabr = 1.5-2.5 MTDgallium. Thus, for example, in figure 26, the MTD for the liquid-galliumcooled slotted crystal ranges from 4-7 O C. We assume then, that if water were used as a coolant instead, the MTD ranges would be from 12-21" C, as shown in figure 27.