Through the use of Na ~4 as tracer the rate of entrance into the anterior chamber and cerebrospinal fluid of rabbits and dogs after intravenous injection was measured and reported by Visscher and Cart (1). It was shown that Na u passed into the aqueous humor about twice as rapidly as into the cerebrospinal fluid, reaching 75 per cent of equilibrium in 45 minutes. Earlier studies on the rabbit by Kinsey et aL (2) indicated an apparent rate of entry from the blood into the anterior chamber equivalent to 4.5 c. ram. per minute of whole aqueous humor. In addition they found that the aqueous humor:plasma concentration ratio for Na ~ and CP s reached 50 per cent after approY~mately 40 minutes following intraperitoneal injection. The rate of entry of p32 was found to be less rapid.Greenberg et aJ. (3) compared the rates of penetration of p82, Na ~, K, Br Sr, Rb, and I m into the cerebrospinal fluid after intraperitoneal injection.They used the open drainage method to avoid dilution of the preformed fluid by the newly formed fluid. The cerebrospinal fluid in the present investigation was not disturbed prior to the first cisternal puncture.The present study follows up the work of Visscher and Cart (1) but is more comprehensive in that it is directed not only to the study of the rates of penetration of radioactive Na and C1 ions across the blood-aqueous humor and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers, but also to the study of the rate in which these isotopes diffuse from the blood stream into the extracellular tissue fluid, and of the chloride and sodium space in the dog with the aid of radioactive sodium and chloride.
A pparatu~For the rapid measurement of the radioactivity in the various fluids withdrawn from the animal, a special "immersion" type of Geiger-Miiller counter was designed (4). This eliminates the drying process, and the rapidly diminishing radioactivity of CI ss, whose half-life is 37 minutes, could be determined as soon as the fluid was withdrawn from the animal. The wall of this counter is thin enough so that the /~-mys can penetrate it easily (thickness, about 0.01 ram.). Several test experiments made with Na~C1 in solution gave a linear relationship between the counting rate and radioactive concentration. * Present address, Biophysics Section, The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.