The capacitance of the interconnect, which contributes to RC delay, power, and crosstalk, is increasingly limiting the performance of ULSI chips as IC technology advances. Different dielectric materials are employed as electrical shielding between interconnects (also called as inter-wire dielectrics) to minimise the coupling capacitance of closely spaced interconnects, and they are compared in terms of their performance. For SWCNT and MWCNT interconnects at various global interconnect lengths for 20 nm and 14 nm technology nodes, performance parameters such as crosstalk delay, power dissipation, power crosstalk delay product (PCDP) and crosstalk noise are calculated and compared. It is observed that, upon using different dielectric materials in CNT bundle interconnect, MWCNT bundle interconnects is performing better compared to SWCNT bundle interconnects at 20 nm and 14 nm technology nodes for all global interconnect lengths.