HUNKOVÁ, E., WINKLER, J., DEMJANOVÁ, E.: The weed seed bank assessment in two soil depths under various mineral fertilising. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 5, pp. 105-112 The fi eld trial at the experimental station of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra -Kolíňany (Slovak Republic, maize growing region, Haplic Luvisol and Stagni-Haplic Luvisol) in 1997 year was established. Experiments were based on 14 ha area (424 x 432.2 m) by long strips method. The impact of diff erent mineral fertilisers on six model crops was observed: winter wheat, spring barley, sunfl ower, winter oilseed rape, maize and sugar beet. weeds, mineral fertilising, weed seed bank Weedy plants overcome spatial and time distances in the fruits and seeds form; thereby, they determinate the state and weed infestation changes on arable land. The increase of weed population growth is conditioned by weed seeds and fruits input inside of arable land. It is accomplished by weed seeds dropping on concrete site, by seeds from organic fertilisers, by seeds for sowing and by uncontrollable inputs (wind, undomesticated animals). The reduction of weed infestation is given by decrease of dropping weed seeds on concrete site, by weed suppression and control, by increase of soil's self-cleaning ability and by weed seeds minimizing in materials that transport seeds (organic fertilisers, seeds for sowing). Weed infestation decreases when the reduction of seeds exceeds their entry into the soil, only. Viable seeds in the soil's reserve (i.e. weed seed bank) are the fi rst assumption of actual weed infestation (Dvořák, Smutný, 2003).Weed fruits and seeds are a viable reservoir in the upper part of the soil profi le, which determinates the composition of weed fl ora in the concrete region (Caetano et al., 2001). Management of agricultural systems has immediate and long-lasting eff ects for elements of weed coverage, population and diversity. Development of programs for integrated weed control requires a clear understanding of factors and mechanisms determinative the weed community dynamics in agroecosystems (Menalled et al., 2001).The goal of this work was to discover the impact of mineral fertilisation, years of research, and the depth of weed seed off takes on weed seed soil bank in Kolíňany locality.