To better understand and define energy algorithms during physical activity as it relates to strength and movement strategy of the hip, knee and ankle, a model of increasing eccentric load was implemented in the current investigation utilizing a countermovement jump and a series of drop jumps from different heights (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 cm). Twenty-one participants were grouped by sex (men, n = 9; women, n = 12) and muscle strength (higher strength, n = 7; moderate strength, n = 7; lower strength, n = 7) as determined by a maximal squat test. Force plates and 3D motion capture were utilized to calculate work for the center of mass (COM) of the whole body and individually for the hip, knee and ankle joints. Statistically significant lower net work of the COM was observed in women and lower strength participants in comparison to men and moderate strength and higher strength participants respectively (p ≤ 0.05). This was primarily due to higher negative to positive work ratios of the COM in women and lower strength participants during all jumps. Furthermore, the COM negative work was primarily dissipated at the knee joint in women and in the lower strength group, particularly during the higher drop jump trials, which are representative of a demanding eccentric load task. A definitive energy algorithm was observed as a reflection of altering joint work strategy in women and lower strength individuals, indicating a possible role in knee joint injury and modulation of such by altering muscular strength. An energy algorithm is defined by the instructional nature of optimization and efficiency of movement in a biological system and is vital to the capacity of the performer 1-3. This energy algorithm is the transference of negative and positive work and is a representation of the component changes in potential, kinetic and stored elastic energy during a given physical activity, such as jumping 4-6 (Fig. 1). One's system efficiency is the transfer accountability of these energies effectively 7. Tissue viscoelasticity, which is determined by the collagenous and protein structures within the biological subsystem , influences energy storage and dissipation of energy as heat via muscle-tendon dynamics 8. Additionally, there is work contributed from active muscle action, which is fueled by chemical bond energy of either the beta or gamma phosphate group in adenosine triphosphate. The balance of negative and positive work of the center of mass (COM) performed during the eccentric (downward motion) and concentric (upward motion) components of a stretch-shortening cycle are vital to maximizing both performance (i.e. jump height) and economy (i.e. mechanical efficiency) 5,9-13. The energy algorithm for a whole biological system's COM is controlled by subsystem characteristics which is the distribution of work of the corresponding joints (hip, knee, ankle) in a bipedal, tri-articulate model 14. Movement strategy, which is the modulation of hip, knee and ankle work ratios, can ultimately be observed as the acceleration of the COM of the...