Concept sustainable of banking is based on principle realization growth and profit for the bank and shareholders, but only with achievement social goals, as and care for conservation life environment. Providing new ones banking service and creation new ( green ) banking jobs, except for _ profitable, they achieve and spreads social and ecological goals, chances are with creation competitive advantages, both in countries Western Balkans observed in the work, so and in all countries of the world In this one work we will focus on analysis macroeconomic parameters in countries Western Balkans works tests influence selected indicators on performance banking system, with special in retrospect on social and component protection life environment. The results indicate that rate unemployment the most significant indicator potentially risky events for bankers, as and banks they are not recognized in national conservation strategies _ life environment which are in WB countries currently on strength. Accordingly, the former is necessary to carry out education foreign affairs, and in parallel to promote green loans like they live and in the long term more favorable of traditional loans, with update the existing one regulatory frame in the domain protection life environment.