Deep learning models for image classifcation sufer from dangerous issues often discovered after deployment. The process of identifying bugs that cause these issues remains limited and understudied. Especially, explainability methods are often presented as obvious tools for bug identifcation. Yet, the current practice lacks an understanding of what kind of explanations can best support the diferent steps of the bug identifcation process, and how practitioners could interact with those explanations. Through a formative study and an iterative co-creation process, we build an interactive design probe providing various potentially relevant explainability functionalities, integrated into interfaces that allow for fexible workfows. Using the probe, we perform 18 user-studies with a diverse set of machine learning practitioners. Two-thirds of the practitioners engage in successful bug identifcation. They use multiple types of explanations, e.g. visual and textual ones, through non-standardized sequences of interactions including queries and exploration. Our results highlight the need for interactive, guiding, interfaces with diverse explanations, shedding light on future research directions.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → User interface programming; Empirical studies in HCI ; • Computing methodologies → Computer vision; • Software and its engineering → Software testing and debugging.