Geophysical signals arriving at the Earth's surface originate from a source mechanism at depth but are not necessarily directly observable. Therefore, well-posed experiments can provide insights into source mechanics and, importantly, the parameters required to model aspects of the sources of unrest signals. In this Chapter we detail one such example of how experimental laboratory work has improved our understanding of unrest signals. We focus on the failure of single-and multi-phase magmas, demonstrating that the liquid viscosity, and therefore the temperature and volatile content of a magma of a given composition, is the limiting parameter in determining whether a magma will ascend viscously or whether it can fracture during ascent. This critical threshold is characterized by a Deborah number, the ratio of the timescale of relaxation to the timescale of local flow. We show that for single-phase magmatic liquids and for vigorously vesiculating magmas, a local Deborah number of 10 À2 is the limit above which mixed viscoelastic behaviour including fracture propagation can be expected, and a Deborah number of 1 is the limit above which magma is dominantly elastic and responds in a brittle manner to applied stresses. These thresholds can be understood in terms of the onset and peak of the Debye relaxation process for viscoelastic liquids. The apparent validity of a Maxwell model permits us to predict the maximum stress that can be supported by a volcanic liquid deforming in the high Deborah number range. We use these constraints to provide a map of timescales on which we contour dominant system responses from viscous to purely brittle; valid for all magmatic liquids. Finally, we explore the scaling necessary to extend these conceptual insights to crystal-and bubble-bearing magmas valid under specific conditions. The competing timescales of deformation and relaxation in magma are relevant to unrest source mechanisms that originate from magma deformation, such as long-period seismic signals that are used to predict eruption timing.
KeywordsRheology Á Strain rate Á Experimental volcanology Á Glass transition Á Failure forecasting Á Low frequency earthquakes Á Viscous dissipation
RheologyThe study of the response of a material to an applied stress or deformation. In the volcano-sciences this typically refers to magma-rheology which is dominated by the rheology of the liquid phase (a viscous or viscoelastic melt) and the additional effect of suspended phases (crystals and gases). Viscoelasticity A material response to an applied stress in which both elastic and viscous components of the deformation are observed. In magma, as the temperature decreases or the local strain rate increases, the elastic component becomes more dominant. When the viscous component is negligible, purely elastic behaviour and material-rupture can readily occur. See Rheology.