A lattice ordered monoid is a structure L; ⊕, 0 L ; ≤ where L; ⊕, 0 L is a monoid, L; ≤ is a lattice and the binary operation ⊕ distributes over finite meets. If M ∈ R-Mod then the set IL M of all hereditary pretorsion classes of σ[M ] is a lattice ordered monoid with binary operation given by α : M β := {N ∈ σ[M ] | there exists A ≤ N such that A ∈ α and N/A ∈ β}, whenever α, β ∈ IL M (the subscript in : M is omitted if σ[M ] = R-Mod). σ[M ] is said to be duprime (resp. dusemiprime) if M ∈ α : M β implies M ∈ α or M ∈ β (resp. M ∈ α : M α implies M ∈ α), for any α, β ∈ IL M. The main results characterize these notions in terms of properties of the subgenerator M. It is shown, for example, that M is duprime (resp. dusemiprime) if M is strongly prime (resp. strongly semiprime). The converse is not true in general, but holds if M is polyform or projective in σ[M ]. The notions duprime and dusemiprime are also investigated in conjunction with finiteness conditions on IL M , such as coatomicity and compactness.