Trace conditioning is valued as a simple experimental model to assess how the brain associates events that are discrete in time. Here, we adapted an olfactory trace conditioning procedure in Drosophila melanogaster by training fruit flies to avoid an odor that is followed by foot shock many seconds later. The molecular underpinnings of the learning are distinct from the well-characterized simultaneous conditioning, where odor and punishment temporally overlap. First, Rutabaga adenylyl cyclase (Rut-AC), a putative molecular coincidence detector vital for simultaneous conditioning, is dispensable in trace conditioning. Second, dominant-negative Rac expression, thought to sustain early labile memory, significantly enhances learning of trace conditioning, but leaves simultaneous conditioning unaffected. We further show that targeting Rac inhibition to the mushroom body (MB) but not the antennal lobe (AL) suffices to achieve the enhancement effect. Moreover, the absence of trace conditioning learning in D1 dopamine receptor mutants is rescued by restoration of expression specifically in the adult MB. These results suggest the MB as a crucial neuroanatomical locus for trace conditioning, which may harbor a Rac activity-sensitive olfactory "sensory buffer" that later converges with the punishment signal carried by dopamine signaling. The distinct molecular signature of trace conditioning revealed here shall contribute to the understanding of how the brain overcomes a temporal gap in potentially related events.learning and memory | olfaction | cAMP | Rho GTPase I n trace conditioning, the conditional stimulus (CS) and the unconditional stimulus (US) are separated in time by a stimulus-free interval (1). This so-called "trace interval" can last for a fraction of a second in eyeblink conditioning but many seconds in fear conditioning, which poses a challenging question: how does the brain overcome this temporal gap to form the association between the CS and US (2)? Intriguingly, trace conditioning in mammals engages neural substrates fundamentally different from delay conditioning, where the CS precedes but also temporally overlaps with the US (3). Early evidence comes from lesion studies with experimental animals showing that acquisition of trace conditioning requires intact hippocampal formation (4, 5) and medial prefrontal cortex (6), whereas delay conditioning can occur even with the entire forebrain removed (7,8). Later studies involving human subjects further validate the involvement of different brain circuits in these two conditioning variants and even suggest, more surprisingly, that conscious awareness might be a prerequisite for trace but not delay conditioning (9, 10). It is then hypothesized that the participation of hippocampus and neocortex, as well as the associated higher cognitive function, is necessary in trace conditioning to maintain a representation of the CS or CS/US contingency so as to bridge the temporal gap (11, 12). However, little is known about what form this representation takes and how it e...