What are you saying when you are talking about…? Procedure for isolating a hidden story in a monologue about the author's own life 4Abstract: Our article describes and illustrates a procedure for isolating a hidden story from a monologue on an assigned topic. The procedure involves four stages: 1) collecting data and preparing transcripts; 2) identifying out-of-key elements; 3) analysing and interpreting a text by means of linguistic and literary theory devices; 4) formulating a hidden story. In deducing a hidden story from narratively out-of-key elements, the vital part was identifying the rules of speech and analysing the contexts in which they were used in the monologue. The hidden story was reconstructed as a one-level narrative pattern on the basis of information inferred from different contexts of using speech rules, as well as from information explicit in the monologue. Our article also discusses the theoretical and clinical value, and new trends in the research on hidden stories.
Streszczenie:W artykule opisaliśmy oraz zilustrowaliśmy na przykładzie procedurę wyodrębniania opowieści ukrytych z wypowiedzi monologowych na zadany temat. Procedura obejmowała cztery etapy: 1) zebranie danych i przygotowanie transkrypcji; 2) wyszukanie elementów wyróżniających się narracyjnie; 3) analizę i interpretację tekstu z wykorzystaniem narzędzi lingwistycznych i teoretycznoliterac-The procedure described here was adopted in the analysis of monologues on being brought up and bringing up children (Kuncewicz, Sokołowska, Sobkowicz, 2014b, 2015. Also, within our graduate seminars dissertations are being prepared in which students analyse monologues about relationships, life changes, motivation to help and the process of "building up" femininity.