The method of the base (valley) one-process profile modeling on the basis of the measured two-process profile was developed. The base one-process random profile of the Gaussian ordinate distribution is characterized by the standard deviation of the profile height and the correlation length. The problem of estimation of the correlation length of this one-process profile exists. In the procedure of the correlation length estimation, information about the averaged shape of the autocorrelation functions of many one-process profiles after the same type of machining is required. The correlation length of the base one-process profile can be obtained on the basis of the vertical truncation of the measured two-process profile. The average error of the correlation length estimation was not higher than 7%, while the maximum error was not larger than 14%. This method can be extended to simulate the one-process texture of 3D (areal) surface topography.One-process surfaces are well described. The analysis of the measured one-process texture is simple. The digital filtration is an easy task. A typical Gaussian filter can be used. A one-process random profile can be easily described by only two parameters: height and horizontal. It can be completely characterized by the standard deviation of height (Pq), and a correlation length (CL), i.e., the distance at which the autocorrelation function slowly decays to a value of 0.1 [11,12]. Figure 1 presents the example of the random one-process profile and its autocorrelation function with the CL parameter. Materials 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 12 Author Contributions: Conceptualization: P.P., R.R., and M.W.; methodology, investigation and formal analysis: P.P., R.R., and M.W.; writing-original draft preparation: P.P., R.R., and M.W.; writing-review and editing: P.P., R.R., and M.W.Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest:The authors declare no conflict of interest.