“…The need for storage‐efficient representations for triangular meshes has contributed to the development of a number of compact data structures which have different goals, such as compression and/or explicit storage of topological relationships, for example Indexed Triangles (similar to OBJ), Triangles with adjacency information (referred to here as Triangle+) (Shewchuk, ; Boissonnat, Devillers, Pion, Teillaud, & Yvinec, ), Stars (Blandford, Blelloch, Cardoze, & Kadow, ; Ledoux, ), TriStrips (Speckmann & Snoeyink, ), Half‐edge or DCEL (Muller & Preparata, ; Mäntylä, ), SQuad (Gurung, Laney, Lindstrom, & Rossignac, ), Grouper (Luffel, Gurung, Lindstrom, & Rossignac, ), Laced Ring (Gurung, Luffel, Lindstrom, & Rossignac, ), Zipper (Gurung, Luffel, Lindstrom, & Rossignac, ), and Tripod (Snoeyink & Speckmann, ).…”