-We investigated the influence of aging on the group III/IV muscle afferents in the exercise pressor reflex-mediated cardiovascular response to rhythmic exercise. Nine old (OLD; 68 Ϯ 2 yr) and nine young (YNG; 24 Ϯ 2 yr) males performed single-leg knee extensor exercise (15 W, 30 W, 80% max) under control conditions and with lumbar intrathecal fentanyl impairing feedback from group III/IV leg muscle afferents. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, leg blood flow (Q L), systemic (SVC) and leg vascular conductance (LVC) were continuously determined. With no hemodynamic effect at rest, fentanyl blockade during exercise attenuated both cardiac output and Q L ϳ17% in YNG, while the decrease in cardiac output in OLD (ϳ5%) was significantly smaller with no impact on Q L (P ϭ 0.8). Therefore, in the face of similar significant ϳ7% reduction in MAP during exercise with fentanyl blockade in both groups, LVC significantly increased ϳ11% in OLD, but decreased ϳ8% in YNG. The opposing direction of change was reflected in SVC with a significant ϳ5% increase in OLD and a ϳ12% decrease in YNG. Thus while cardiac output seems to account for the majority of group III/IV-mediated MAP responses in YNG, the impact of neural feedback on the heart may decrease with age and alterations in SVC become more prominent in mediating the similar exercise pressor reflex in OLD. Interestingly, in terms of peripheral hemodynamics, while group III/IV-mediated feedback plays a clear role in increasing LVC during exercise in the YNG, these afferents seem to actually reduce LVC in OLD. These peripheral findings may help explain the limited exercise-induced peripheral vasodilation often associated with aging.