Relevance. The problem of qualitative training of future doctors is an extremely important issue throughout the world and in Ukraine, including. To improve their practical skills and medical manipulations, they must be brought to ideal and automatism, which is possible due to modern methods of training in the conditions of the simulation center, due to the development of skills on standardized patients and simulators.Objective. To compare the quality of education and working out practical skills, manipulations and evaluate the efficiency of training using patients of medical institutions and mannequins or standardized patients in the center of simulation medicine.Material and methods. We compared the efficiency of working out practical skills, medical manipulations and ability to qualitatively apply them in practice, especially in providing emergency medical care to students of 5 and 6 courses.Results. It is not always possible to immediately establish direct contact with the patient, as opposed to a standardized patient, which extremely accurately demonstrates all complaints and positive symptoms that will allow to confirm the diagnosis. Students are not comfortable with the patient in the clinic or afraid to harm the patient and refuse to survey or conduct a certain skill, while on a mannequin or standardized patient without any fear, a practical skill can be repeated with the required number of times. At a standardized patient or virtual mannequin, a teacher can stop a student at any stage of execution, indicate an error or once again explain the technique of manipulation, and a student may repeat a few times, bringing it to full automatism. Another extremely important advantage of simulating learning is the opportunity at the requested moment, and not when there is a suitable patient in the clinic, to create, simulate and beat the desired situation. This is especially important when working out emergency care skills in conditions that are menacing.
Conclusion. The medical education process must be effective and secure for all participants, specially patients, which is possible only due to simulation centers. Of course, the development of practical skills and manipulations in the simulating center allows to improve traditional types of education, pay more attention to handling skills, allowing, realizing and correcting mistakes, analyze the situation and draw conclusions.