-Study of a subhumid method of straw processing with urea. We tested a subhumid processing method which reduces water content by 50% without the contribution of exogenous urease sources. The principle consisted in applying a 7% urea solution to one out of two layers of straw at a 40% humidity level, the last upper layer being systematically watered. The stack was then sealed as for classic ammoniation. At the same time, a classic treatment (also with 7% urea) was performed. At the end of the treatment which lasted for 75 days during the summer, four straw-based diets were evaluated: untreated straw (NT), classically treated straw (UC), non-damped straw (ULNH) and damped straw (ULH). Intake and organic matter digestibility were measured in rams (6 per diet) fed on straw supplemented daily with 200 g concentrate. After processing, the nitrogenous matter content increased from 5.8% (NT) to 11.0, 12.6, and 16.1% for ULNH, UC, and ULH, respectively, whereas the dry matter intake of pure straw was 47.5, 52.7, 54.1 against 59.7 g . kg -1. PV -0.75 for NT, UC, ULH, and ULNH, respectively. Organic matter digestibility was higher for ULNH (59.4%) than for ULH (56.3%), UC (51.1%) and NT (46.0%). The amount of digestible organic matter intake was 23% higher for straw derived from the subhumid treatment than that resulting from the classical treatment.
urea / subhumid-treated straw / ingestibility / digestibilityRésumé -Nous avons testé un procédé qui réduit de 50 % le volume d'eau recommandé pour le traitement des pailles à l'urée sans apport de sources d'uréase. Le principe consiste à arroser avec une solution de 7 % d'urée un lit de paille sur deux à 40 % d'humidité ; le premier lit de paille n'étant pas arrosé, et le dernier lit supérieur étant obligatoirement arrosé. L'opération achevée, la meule est fermée comme pour un traitement classique à l'ammoniac. À la fin du traitement qui a duré 76 jours (en été), quatre lots de paille ont été constitués : paille non traitée (NT), traitée classiquement (UC), non humidifiée (ULNH) et humidifiée (ULH). Nous avons mesuré chez des ovins pour chacun des 4 lots de paille distribuée avec 200 g de concentré, la quantité de matière sèche ingérée (MSI), les Ann. Zootech. 49 (2000)