ObjectivesTo compare long-term adherence to antiretroviral therapy in an HIV service, as measured by self-report and by pharmacy records. To determine the level of adherence by each measure required to suppress viral load in a majority of patients. MethodsThe percentage of prescribed doses taken was calculated from (a) the number of missed doses in the previous 28 days reported by patients in a questionnaire at each clinic visit, and (b) pharmacy dispensing records. These were compared with each other and with HIV viral load data. ResultsMean adherence was 96.2% by pharmacy record over 44 months and 98.6% by self-report over 25 months. The two methods correlated with each other (Po0.001) and the proportion of patients with viral load o400 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL increased with adherence as measured by self-report (P 5 0.001) and pharmacy record (P 5 0.004). Fewer than 60% of patients always had viral loads o400 copies/mL if adherence fell below 95% (pharmacy record) or 97% (self-report). Adherence was higher for once-daily than for twice-daily therapy (by pharmacy record: 97.2% vs. 96.0%; Po0.001). Adherence by both measures increased over time. ConclusionsSelf-reported antiretroviral adherence correlates with pharmacy dispensing records and predicts suppression of viral load at levels 97%. It is practical to adopt this into routine HIV clinical care.
Background: Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the 6th highest cancer worldwide. Risk factors include history of smoking, exposure of carcinogen, diet, oral hygiene, HPV and EBV infections, genetic, and alcohol consumption. Purpose: To identify the profile of HNC patients in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2013 to 2018. Method: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted in 2013-2018 in the Department of ORL-HNS Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, using total sampling method. Medical record of the patients were used as secondary data. Result: There were 2952 HNC patients consisted of 1689 males and 1263 females. Most of the subjects were graduated from elementary school (45.56%), with mean age 47.45 years old. The majority types of HNC were nasopharyngeal (31.20%), sinonasal (19.65%) and laryngeal (14.16%) carcinoma. The main histopathological types were undifferentiated carcinoma (47.15%) and squamous cell carcinoma (34.08%). The major risk factors were smoking and salted fish consumptions. Discussion: Unlike previous studies, our study found out that most HNC cases occurred in patients under the age of 30 years old. In this research, smoking was the highest risk factor of research subjects, followed by salted fish intake, mosquito burnt coils, and alcohol consumption. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and stadium IV were the highest incidence of HNC, mostly found in male patients. Histopathologically, the dominant type was the undifferentiated carcinoma. Conclusion: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma was the main cancer type. The main histopathological type was undifferentiated carcinoma. The main risk factors were smoking and salted fish consumptions. ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Karsinoma kepala leher (KKL) merupakan keganasan terbanyak ke enam di dunia. Faktor risiko KKL antara lain riwayat merokok, paparan karsinogen, diet, kebersihan mulut, infeksi Human Papilloma Virus, Virus Epstein Barr, genetika, konsumsi alkohol. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui profil penderita KKL di Departemen T.H.T-K.L Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung, tahun 2013- 2018. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif retrospektif dengan total sampling, pada periode 2013-2018 di Dept/KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr Hasan Sadikin. Rekam medis subjek penelitian digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil: Terdapat 2.952 penderita KKL terdiri dari 1.689 laki-laki dan 1.263 perempuan. Mayoritas berpendidikan SD (45,56%), dengan rerata usia 47,45 tahun. Jenis KKL terbanyak karsinoma nasofaring (31,20%), sinonasal (19,65%), dan laring (14,16%). Karakteristik histopatologi terbanyak karsinoma tak berdiferensiasi (47,15%) dan karsinoma sel skuamosa (34,08%). Faktor risiko terbanyak merokok serta konsumsi ikan asin. Diskusi: Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian kami mendapatkan kasus KKL terbanyak didapati pada pasien di bawah usia 30 tahun. Didapatkan juga faktor risiko tertinggi adalah merokok, diikuti oleh mengonsumsi ikan asin, obat nyamuk bakar, dan minum alkohol. Angka kejadian KKL terbanyak adalah karsinoma nasofaring stadium IV, yang kebanyakan didapati pada pasien laki-laki. Secara histopatologi, tipe yang dominan adalah jenis karsinoma tak berdiferensiasi. Kesimpulan: Karsinoma nasofaring merupakan jenis KKL terbanyak. Jenis histopatologi terbanyak karsinoma tak berdiferensiasi. Faktor risiko KKL yang paling banyak ditemui yaitu merokok dan konsumsi ikan asin.
Table of contentsA1 Hope and despair in the current treatment of nasopharyngeal cancerIB TanI1 NPC international incidence and risk factorsEllen T ChangI2 Familial nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the use of biomarkersChien-Jen Chen, Wan-Lun Hsu, Yin-Chu ChienI3 Genetic susceptibility risk factors for sporadic and familial NPC: recent findingsAllan HildesheimI5 Genetic and environmental risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer in Southeast AsiaJames D McKay, Valerie Gaborieau, Mohamed Arifin Bin Kaderi, Dewajani Purnomosari, Catherine Voegele, Florence LeCalvez-Kelm, Graham Byrnes, Paul Brennan, Beena DeviI6 Characterization of the NPC methylome identifies aberrant epigenetic disruption of key signaling pathways and EBV-induced gene methylationLi L, Zhang Y, Fan Y, Sun K, Du Z, Sun H, Chan AT, Tsao SW, Zeng YX, Tao QI7 Tumor exosomes and translational research in NPCPierre Busson, Claire Lhuillier, Olivier Morales, Dhafer Mrizak, Aurore Gelin, Nikiforos Kapetanakis, Nadira DelhemI8 Host manipulations of the Epstein-Barr virus EBNA1 proteinSheila Mansouri, Jennifer Cao, Anup Vaidya, and Lori FrappierI9 Somatic genetic changes in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinomaLo Kwok WaiI10 Preliminary screening results for nasopharyngeal carcinoma with ELISA-based EBV antibodies in Southern ChinaSui-Hong Chen, Jin-lin Du, Ming-Fang Ji, Qi-Hong Huang, Qing Liu, Su-Mei CaoI11 EBV array platform to screen for EBV antibodies associated with NPC and other EBV-associated disordersDenise L. Doolan, Anna Coghill, Jason Mulvenna, Carla Proietti, Lea Lekieffre, Jeffrey Bethony, and Allan HildesheimI12 The nasopharyngeal carcinoma awareness program in IndonesiaRenske Fles, Sagung Rai Indrasari, Camelia Herdini, Santi Martini, Atoillah Isfandiari, Achmad Rhomdoni, Marlinda Adham, Ika Mayangsari, Erik van Werkhoven, Maarten Wildeman, Bambang Hariwiyanto, Bambang Hermani, Widodo Ario Kentjono, Sofia Mubarika Haryana, Marjanka Schmidt, IB TanI13 Current advances and future direction in nasopharyngeal cancer managementBrian O’SullivanI14 Management of juvenile nasopharyngeal cancerEnis OzyarI15 Global pattern of nasopharyngeal cancer: correlation of outcome with access to radiotherapyAnne WM LeeI16 The predictive/prognostic biomarker for nasopharyngeal carcinomaMu-Sheng ZengI17 Effect of HLA and KIR polymorphism on NPC riskXiaojiang Gao, Minzhong Tang, Pat Martin, Yi Zeng, Mary CarringtonI18 Exploring the Association between Potentially Neutralizing Antibodies against EBV Infection and Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaAnna E Coghill, Wei Bu, Hanh Nguyen, Wan-Lun Hsu, Kelly J Yu, Pei-Jen Lou, Cheng-Ping Wang, Chien-Jen Chen, Allan Hildesheim, Jeffrey I CohenI19 Advances in MR imaging in NPCAnn D KingO1 Epstein-Barr virus seromarkers and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: the gene-environment interaction study on nasopharyngeal carcinoma in TaiwanYin-Chu Chien, Wan-Lun Hsu, Kelly J Yu, Tseng-Cheng Chen, Ching-Yuan Lin, Yung-An Tsou, Yi-Shing Leu, Li-Jen Laio, Yen-Liang Chang, Cheng-Ping Wang, Chun-Hun Hua, Ming-Shiang Wu, Chu-Hsing Kate Hsiao, Jehn-Chuan ...
Ada banyak manfaat yang dapat dinikmati masyarakat sekitar pembangunan bendungan seperti persedian air, pembangkit listrik, irigasi dan tempat rekreasi. Karena mempunyai banyak manfaat dalam hal ini pemerintah melakukan program Percepatan Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional. Salah satu bendungan yang dibangun yaitu Bendungan Ladongi yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Bendungan Ladongi dengan tipe urugan batu inti tegak (bendungan yang terdiri dari batuan dengan dengan gradasi yang berbeda-beda dalam urutan perlapisannya) mempunyai salah satu bagian yaitu tubuh bendungan utama (main dam) yang berfungsi sebagai penyangga penahan air dari arah hulu ke hilir sungai. Dalam hal ini diperlukan peran survey sebagai penentuan dan pengontrolan batas zona penyusun main dam agar dapat menahan rembesan air serta pembangunannya sesuai dengan desain perencanaannya. Dengan mengunakan metode stake out, pengukuran situasi, galian dan timbunan, hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini berupa Peta Topografi Main Dam, Cross Section Main Dam dan visualisasi tiga dimensinya dari Opnam 5 sampai dengan Opnam 9. Elevasi pada Opnam 5 adalah +60.00m sampai dengan +65.29m dengan volume timbunan sebesar 11,965 m3. Pada Opnam 6 memiliki elevasi dari +60.07m sampai +68.22m dengan volume sebesar 29,701 m3. Elevasi Opnam 7 berkisar pada +65.01m sampai +70.80m dengan 43,057 m3. Opnam 8 memiliki elevasi dari +72.31m sampai +80.25m dengan volume timbunan 79,107 m3. Dan elevasi pada Opnam berkisar dari +63.18m sampai +86.10m dengan volume timbunan sebesar 99,378 m3.
Latar belakang: Kadar serum CA 125 telah diketahui mengalami peningkatan pada kasus limfoma non Hodgkin. Kegunaannya dalam menentukan prognosis, tingkat keparahan penyakit, dan follow up pasca terapi limfoma non Hodgkin telah banyak diteliti dan masih didapatkan hasil yang bervariasi. Saat ini belum diketahui mengenai kadar serum CA 125 pada kasus diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) yang bermanifestasi di regio kepala dan leher. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar serum CA 125 dengan karakteristik klinis pada kasus DLBCL regio kepala dan leher. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang melibatkan 31 subjek penelitian dengan diagnosis DLBCL regio kepala dan leher. Dilakukan pencatatan karakteristik klinis dan penentuan kadar serum CA 125 dengan pemeriksaan Immunoasai dan kemudian dilakukan analisis statistik untuk menentukan hubungan antar variabel. Hasil: Didapatkan peningkatan kadar serum CA 125 pada stadium lanjut dengan p<0,001. Analisis statistik terhadap kadar serum CA 125 dan Kadar Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan (p=0,018) demikian juga hubungannya dengan skorEastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) dengan nilai p=0,001. Pada penelitian ini tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar serum CA 125 dengan skor Prognostic International Index (IPI). Kesimpulan: Kadar serum CA 125 berhubungan bermakna dengan stadium klinis, kadar LDH dan Skor ECOG pada DLBCL yang bermanifestasi di regio kepala dan leher. Dengan demikian CA 125 dapat digunakan sebagai marker untuk memprediksi prognosis dan mendekati stadium lanjut kasus limfoma non Hodgkin. Background: Serum CA 125 level has been known to increase in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cases.Many studies had elaborately researched the prognosis, disease severity and the follow up of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma cases using CA 125, yet the results had been varied. Up to now, serum CA 125 levels in cases of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) which manifest in the head and neck region, is still unclear. Purpose: To find out the correlation of serum CA 125 levels with clinical manifestations of DLBCL cases in the head and neck region. Method: A cross-sectional study involving 31 subjects diagnosed with DLBCL in the head and neck region. The clinical manifestations were recorded and serum CA 125 levels were obtained by Immunoassay examination. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the correlation between variables. Results: An increase in serum CA 125 levels at an advanced stage with p <0.001. The statistical result of CA 125 serum levels and LDH levels showed a significant correlation (p=0.018), as well as its significant correlation with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score, with p=0.001. In this study there was no significant correlation between CA 125 serum levels and Prognostic International Index (IPI) scores. Conclusion: Serum CA 125 levels were significantly correlated with clinical stage, LDH level and ECOG score of DLBCL which manifested in the head and neck region. Therefore, CA 125 might be used as a marker to predict prognosis and to detect advanced disease in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cases.
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