Abstract. Wirnoyo, Lukman AH, Nurliana S. 2022. The species diversity and composition of seedlings for degraded land rehabilitation in different phytogeographical regions in Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5771-5781. Forest clearing and conversion into cropland without implementing conservation measures have caused land degradation. The total area of degraded land in Indonesia is 14 million hectares. The responsible institution for land rehabilitation in Indonesia is Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan Hutan Lindung (Agency for Watershed and Protection Forest Management), abbreviated as BPDASHL. This study aimed to analyze seedlings' species diversity and composition for degraded land rehabilitation provided by six BPDASHLs located in different phytogeographic regions, i.e., Sunda Shelf, Wallacea, and Sahul Shelf. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to BPDASHL offices in Papua, West Papua, Gorontalo, Bangka Belitung Islands, Riau, and Aceh. They were analyzed to determine the species richness, indexes of species diversity, equity, and similarity. The clustering of sites based on species composition was done using a dendrogram. This study found that the species richness of seedlings in each site ranged from 25 to 47, the diversity index of Shannon from 2.39 to 2.96, and a Simpson diversity index from 0.80 to 0.94. The species composition differed from one site to another, with similarity indexes of Bray-Curtis and Jaccard of < 0.35. The dendrogram separated western Indonesia (Sunda Shelf) from eastern Indonesia (Sahul Shelf and Wallacea), except for Bangka Belitung Islands, which was clustered in eastern Indonesia despite its location in western Indonesia. Three study sites had more native dominant species, while the other three had more introduced dominant species. We recommend that more native species of seedlings should be provided.
Trigona bee cultivation will produce honey that is beneficial for health and can be a source of community income. This activity is very suitable to be applied in rural areas that have a green environment with various types of plants. This community service activity is intended to introduce the community in Arga Indah Satu Village to trigona bee cultivation. By introducing this trigona bee cultivation, it is hoped that it can produce pure honey and improve the quality of the environment by planting various kinds of bee food plants. In this service activity, the methods used are problem observation, preparation of tools and materials, counseling, and demonstration of bee-feeding plants. After the completion of this service, it is hoped that the community will have good knowledge about trigona bee cultivation and be able to apply their knowledge in their respective yards. The results of this community service are increasing the knowledge of the village community about trigona bee cultivation, and improving the quality of the environment through planting with various types of bee feed plants. The results of trigona bee cultivation can be a new source of income
Kondisi lahan pertanian di Desa Arga Indah I, Kec. Pagar Jati, Bengkulu Tengah didominasi oleh topografi miring. Hal ini memerlukan pengelolaan lahan yang tepat agar mampu memberikan produksi pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, pemeliharaan kualitas tanah melalui pencegahan erosi untuk mempertahankan produktivitas lahan penting dilakukan. Kegiatan ini memperkenalkan teknik pengelolaan lahan dengan melakukan revegetasi lahan miring melalui pola panam agroforestri dengan tanaman unggulan lokal (Durian Bentara dan pala). Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah agar masyarakat mengetahui teknik pengolahan lahan miring yang dapat memberikan keuntungan ekonomi dan sekaligus mengurangi erosi tanah. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, penyuluhan, dan demonstrasi. Penyuluhan dilakukan secara komprehensif sebagai upaya persiapan untuk pembuatan demplot. Demonstrasi dilakukan sebagai praktik pembuatan demplot. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat menjadi tahu dan menambah wawasan tentang teknik pengelolaan lahan miring dengan menanam tanaman unggulan lokal pada lahan pertaniannya melalui sistem agroforestri. Masyarakat desa juga mulai mengetahui bahwa Durian Bentara merupakan tanaman unggulan lokal yang dapat dibudidayakan sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan masyarakat dan berperan juga sebagai sarana perlindungan lingkungan tanah.
Forest landscape in Cijedil Village, Cianjur hosts numerous endemic wildlife to conserve. On the other hand, the needs of local people from forest utilization could not be also neglected. Hence, the environmental management issues in the forest landscape of Cijedil are not only attributed to the biodiversity and ecological protection but also social and economic empowerment that engages various stakeholders. To get a mutual understanding among the stakeholders within collaborative management, building dialogue, reaching consensus, and comprehending its process is necessary. Nevertheless, few studies, particularly in Indonesia, have thoroughly performed related to this topic. The objective of this study is to fill this gap by describing the consensus building in the collaborative process framework and its affecting factors for reaching an agreement in collaborative management in the forest landscape of Cijedil. We performed a qualitative study by using action-based research and a case-study approach. Semi-structured and in-depth interviews were undertaken with 18 key informants selected by the snowball sampling representing six stakeholders involved: KPH Cianjur, SPH II Cianjur, BLHD Cianjur, officials of Cijedil Village, LMDH Cijedil, and the local community of Cijedil. The findings show that this consensus building has adapted the collaborative framework indicated by problem- and direction-setting activities in the first two stages of the collaborative process. It also suggests that the main influencing of parties-related factors are human resource capacity, level of understanding, and commitment, whereas process-related barriers are time uncertainty and incentives offered. These factors are indicated not completely discrete but rather affecting each other. To conclude, while the consensus for broadly collaborative environmental management is still needed to promote, the driven inhibiting factors remain. It is, therefore, crucial to address and deal with those main challenging elements. AbstrakLanskap hutan di Desa Cijedil, Cianjur mempunyai banyak satwa endemik yang penting untuk dilestarikan. Namun di sisi lain, kebutuhan masyarakat lokal dari pemanfaatan hutan juga tidak bisa diabaikan. Oleh karena itu, masalah pengelolaan lingkungan di lanskap hutan Cijedil tidak hanya terkait dengan perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati tetapi juga pemberdayaan sosial dan ekonomi yang melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman bersama di antara para pemangku kepentingan dalam pengelolaan kolaboratif, perlu membangun dialog, mencapai konsensus, dan memahami prosesnya. Namun demikian, baru sedikit penelitian, khususnya di Indonesia, yang telah dilakukan terkait topik ini. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengisi kesenjangan ini dengan menggambarkan pembangunan konsensus dalam kerangka proses kolaboratif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya untuk mencapai konsensus dalam pengelolaan kolaboratif di lanskap hutan Cijedil. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif berbasis aksi dan pendekatan studi kasus. Wawancara semi terstruktur dan mendalam dilakukan dengan teknik snowball terhadap informan kunci yang mewakili enam pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat: KPH Cianjur, SPH II Cianjur, BLHD Cianjur, aparat Desa Cijedil, LMDH Cijedil, dan masyarakat Cijedil. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan konsensus ini telah mengadaptasi kerangka kerja kolaboratif yang ditunjukkan oleh aktivitas penetapan masalah dan arah dalam dua tahap pertama proses kolaboratif. Temuan juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor utama yang mempengaruhi terkait pihak adalah kapasitas sumber daya manusia, tingkat pemahaman, dan komitmen, sedangkan hambatan terkait proses adalah ketidakpastian waktu dan insentif yang ditawarkan. Faktor-faktor ini tidak sepenuhnya terpisah melainkan saling mempengaruhi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa walaupun konsensus untuk pengelolaan lingkungan kolaboratif secara luas masih diperlukan, faktor-faktor penghambatnya masih tetap ada. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengatasi tantangan utama tersebut.
The study was attempted to reveal the biomass carbon (C) stock in forest-agricultural land use in West Java agricultural landscape. We scoped on agroforestry as agricultural land use and identified three main types of agroforestry in the study site: bamboo talon, mixed-tree talun and albizia {Albania falcataria (L.)) talun. For this study purpose, a survey method was used. Carbon stock measurement was done by using RaCSA (Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal) method. In this measurement, we used two different approach to acquire biomass C stock data: sampling approach in the forest and census approach in agroforestry. The result showed that the average biomass C stock in natural forest was higher than in agroforestry. The natural forest stored biomass C stock around 97.30 MgC/ha while bamboo /ofun, mixed-tree talun and albizia talun [Albania falcataria (L.)) approximately stored 50.01 Mg C/ha, 38.57 Mg C/ha, 17.39 Mg C/ha respectively. However, comparing with other similar studies, the average of biomass C stock in both of natural forest and agroforestry land was categorized in a medium and small range.
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