Aquatic food security: insights into challenges and solutions from an analysis of interactions between fisheries, aquaculture, food safety, human health, fish and human welfare, economy and environment
AbstractFisheries and aquaculture production, imports, exports and equitability of distribution determine the supply of aquatic food to people. Aquatic food security is achieved when a food supply is sufficient, safe, sustainable, shockproof and sound: sufficient, to meet needs and preferences of people; safe, to provide nutritional benefit while posing minimal health risks; sustainable, to provide food now and for future generations; shock-proof, to provide resilience to shocks in production systems and supply chains; and sound, to meet legal and ethical standards for welfare of animals, people and environment. Here, we present an integrated assessment of these elements of the aquatic food system in the United Kingdom, a system linked to dynamic global networks of producers, processors and markets. Our assessment addresses sufficiency of supply from aquaculture, fisheries and trade; safety of supply given biological, chemical and radiation hazards; social, economic and environmental sustainability of production systems and supply chains; system resilience to social, economic and environmental shocks; welfare of fish, people and environment; and the authenticity of food. Conventionally, these aspects of the food system are not assessed collectively, so information supporting our assessment is widely dispersed. Our assessment reveals trade-offs and challenges in the food system that are easily overlooked in sectoral analyses of fisheries, aquaculture, health, medicine, human and fish welfare, safety and environment. We highlight potential benefits of an integrated, systematic and ongoing process to assess security of the aquatic food system and to predict impacts of social, economic and environmental change on food supply and demand.Keywords Ethics, food safety, food security, food system, health, sustainability
F I S H and F I S H E R I E S , 2016, 17, 893-938Received 16 Nov 2015 Accepted 21 Jan 2016
Introduction 894The aquatic food system 898Wild-capture fisheries 898Aquaculture production 899Critical elements of food security 900
Sufficient food supply 901Sufficiency of UK supply: production and consumption 901Global production and consumption 903Safe food supply 904
Biological hazards 904Pathogens of human concern 904Marine biotoxins 906
Chemical hazards 906
Contaminants and veterinary residues 906Radiation hazards 908
Sustainable food supply 908Wild-capture fisheries 909Aquaculture production 914Relative impacts of fishing and aquaculture 915Processing 915
Drivers of sustainability 916Shockproof food supply 917Risks to wild-capture production 917Risks to aquaculture production 919Risks to supply chains 920
Sound food supply 921Social welfare and ethics 922Environmental welfare and ethics 924Animal welfare and ethics 925
Food authenticity 926Conclusions 927Acknowledgements 931References 931
IntroductionFood f...