RECENT biochemical and histochemical investigations in })soriasi8 have indicated, directly or indirectly, enhanced respiration and glycolysis (Gans. 1962; Braun-Falco, 1958; Rippa and Vignalli, 1958; Leonhardi, 1961 and Hasimoto e( fl?., 19ti4).Of the quantitative studies, those establishing a rise of the respiratory quotient of the epidermis in the psoriatio lesion as compared with the patients normal skin (Braun-Falco, 1958; Leonhardi, 1961; Blazkova, 1963) are most important. Corres}>ondingly, there is a noticeable decrease of the glueose level (JVlonaeelii and RibufFo, Neumann and Blazkova, 1963; Rothmau. 19^4) as well as that of lactic acid (Neumann and Blazkova) in the psoriatic lesion in comparison with the healthy skin of the psoriatic patient. Among the other oxidative and glycolytie enzymes, elevated values of glucose-6-phoHphatr dcliydrogenaso and of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were recently found, whereas no significant variations of phosphohexose, isomerase and aldolase r-ould be established (Rippa and Vignalli, 1965).By histochemical methods, raised values were found for succinic dehydi'ogenase (Braun-Falco, 1958; Hashimoto et al, 1964), eytochromoxydase (Brauii-Faleo, 1958), malic dehydrogenase, laetie dehydrogenase (Hashimoto el al.. 1964), thus indicating a higher level of sugar catabolism.In our present study, the following enzymes were determined quantitatively : aldolase, laetie dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase.
IN VESTIO ATION.As in our jJiwiouH iiivcstigatioiis, excisions from It-siuns and troiii t'orri-spotuliiiĥ ealthy skin in psoriatics were used for the determination of enzymes. The tissue was frozen uitli kelene and a circular excision of 0-5 cm. diameter was made by nican(< of rotary punch. The corium was cut off with scissors and stored in the rofrigcrator. * Present address: Department of Dermatologj', Laaarettet, BorSs, Sweden.