Sequential probability tests were employed to examine genetic linkage among, cattle A, B, C, F, J, L, M, S, Z, and R' blood group loci, the hemoglobin locus, the serum transferrin, amylase, and alkaline phosphatase loci, and the milk protein loci beta-lactoglobulin, alpha S1-casein, beta-casein, and kappa-casein. Linkage was evident between the A and hemoglobin loci, the J and beta-lactoglobulin loci, the alpha S1-casein and beta-casein loci, the alpha S1-casein and kappa-casein loci, and the beta-casein and kappa-casein loci. Recombination fractions for these respective combinations were 0, .18, .03, .04, and .06. There was a suggestion of possible loose linkage (recombination fraction = .4) between the beta-lactoglobulin locus and the casein complex. Linkage could be excluded for most other combinations at .25 recombination.