Using mist nets, we compared phyllostomid bat ensembles of continuous mature forest in Tikal National Park, Guatemala, and of forest fragments in the nearby farming landscape. Of 20 species captured, 13 were shared between treatments, 4 were unique to continuous forest, and 3 were unique to forest fragments. Dominance-diversity curves were similar for the two treatments except that Sturnira lilium comprised 43 percent of captures in the forest fragments, resulting in greater dominance there. Capture rates (and presumably relative abundance) differed significantly between continuous forest and forest fragments, both in terms of species and feeding guilds. Sturnia lilium and Dermanura sp. were captured significantly more often in forest fragments than in continuous forest, whereas Artibeus jamaicensis, A. Izturatus, and Centurio senex were taken significantly more often in continuous forest. Large frugivores accounted for a higher proportion of total captures in conrinuous forest than in forest fragments, whereas small frugivores showed the opposite pattern. By their abundances, Carollia perspicilkzta and S. lilium are indicators of forest disturbance. The relative abundances of large frugivores, which feed on large fruits of mature forest trees, and small frugivores, which fced on small-fruited plants occurring in early succession, are an indicator of forest disturbance. Other groups, such as large insect-and vertebrate-eating bats, because of their low capture rates, are impractical as indicators for rapid assessment of forest disturbance based on mist netting, but may prove especially vulnerable to forest fragmentation.
RESUMENUsando redes de neblina, comparamos las comunidades de murcidagos phyllost6midos de bosque maduro continuo en Parque Nacional Tikal, Guatemala, y en bosques remanentes en el paisaje agricola en la vecindad. De 20 especies capturadas, 13 eran en comGn en 10s dos hhbitat, 4 eran irnicas a1 bosque continuo, ,y 3 a 10s bosques remanentes. Curvas de dominancia-diversidad eran similar en las dos muestras falto que Sturnira blzum contribuy6 43 percent de las capturas en 10s fragmentos de bosque, resultando en mayor dominancia alli. Tasas de captura (y se presuma la ahundaticia relativa) eran significativamente diferente en bosque continuo y en bosques remanentes, tanto en numero de especies que en gremios tr6ficos. S. lilium y Dermanura sp. fueron capturadas m6s comhnmente en 10s astilleros qiic en bosque continuo, mientras Artibeus jamaicenris, A. lituratus, y Centurio senex se capturaron con mayor frecuencia cn bosque continuo que en 10s fragmentos. Frugivoros mayores tenian tasas de captura significativamente mayores en bosque continuo que cn 10s astilleros, mientras 10s frugivoros menores demostraron el rev& Por su abundancia, Carollia perspicillata y S. lilium sirven como indicadores de disturbio del bosque. Otro indicador Gtil del disturbio del bosque parece ser la abundancia relativa de 10s frugivoros mayores que se alimentan de 10s frutos grandes de especies de drboles caracteristicos de ...