The aim: The study of international and domestic practices of Ukraine concerning the legal regulation of liability for exerting illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions within the context of such means of its commission as the use of doping for the purpose of obtaining additional arguments to emphasize the benefit / the inexpedience of criminalization of such acts as quasi-corruption fraudulent activities. Materials and methods: The article implements doctrinal provisions of domestic and foreign scientific developments in relation to the liability for illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions by means of the use of doping as well as national and foreign criminal legislation, established law enforcement practices, and results of the sociological survey. For such purpose, the authors utilized the methods of analysis and synthesis, a comparative legal method, methods of survey and generalization of viewpoints, research findings. Conclusions: Authors have established the absence of necessity for the introduction of the criminal prohibition in respect of athletes for the use of doping for an entire span of their professional career as well as for the use of doping as the means for exerting illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions. The expedience of further studies has been ascertained by drawing from the experience of the EU, Australia, Canada, USA, and other countries concerning the legal regulation of liability for exerting illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions, legal consequences of the use of doping and corresponding law enforcement practices within the context of grounds and principles of criminalization of socially dangerous acts elaborated by the criminal law studies.
In the conditions of a complex criminogenic situation, a high level of preparedness of police officers for effective actions in regular and extreme conditions is extremely important for successfully solving the tasks of ensuring proper law and order and public safety in the state. The professional training of employees is a decisive factor in the quality of law enforcement activities, ensuring legality in maintaining law and order and fighting crime.A high level of physical training as a component of professional training guarantees the effectiveness of operational and service tasks, ensuring the personal safety of the police officer and his surroundings.In modern society, it is no longer a secret for anyone how important it is for every person to be in good physical shape. The need for this is caused by the rhythm of modern life, new opportunities and challenges of today, and even the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. After all, with the development of society, new relationships also develop, the criminal world also actively uses new opportunities and gaps in the legislation, unprofessional actions or insufficient preparation of employees of the Security Service.Thus, the presence of a high level of physical training, perfect mastery of techniques and tactics for the application of measures of physical influence, self-defense skills and techniques of hand-to-hand combat in regular and extreme conditions of operational-service activity is the professional duty of every police officer.We can come to the conclusion that the level of physical training as a component of professional training affects the effectiveness of operational-service tasks, ensures the personal safety of the police officer and his environment, and therefore requires constant improvement and scientific research. The purpose of the research is the theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature on the researched topic, as well as the expert examination of the preparedness of the first-year cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The following research methods were used to implement the tasks and achieve the goal: analysis of literary sources; synthesis of literary sources; generalization of literary sources; pedagogical observation; control exercises (tests); assessment of testing levels; mathematical statistics.In order to successfully solve the tasks for physical training classes, the motivational levers of the stable evaluation system, namely the “Scale for evaluating the results of physical training tests” were used. Resultsthe analysis of scientific and methodical literature and documents that regulate the educational process in special higher educational institutions of the armed forces gave reasons to assert that proper physical training is an important prerequisite for high-quality professional preparation of graduates of these universities for practical activities. At the same time, the problem of improving the quality of physical training of cadets in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, despite a significant number of developments, remains insufficiently studied.Taking into account the need for police officers to engage in confrontations with aggressive and, as a rule, well-trained violators, the problem of special physical training of cadets of higher educational institutions of the National Police of Ukraine has become extremely urgent.Also, based on our research, we can conclude that due to high workload, cadets do not have the opportunity to regularly engage in physical training and improve their physical level, and classes according to the educational and methodological plan cannot fully develop physical qualities cadets, that is why we see an insufficient development of strength in the cadets of the first year of the DDUVS. This is evidenced by the fact that, according to our research, only 32% (n = 8) of the subjects have an excellent level. Good was noted in 40% (n = 10), and a satisfactory level of strength development was found in 28% (n = 7) of the cadets. Practical implications. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that a complex theoretical and applied monodisciplinary study was conducted, dedicated to solving scientific and practical problems of the state of physical training of first-year cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. Value/originality. The obtained research results can be used to improve the level of physical training of cadets of the National Police of Ukraine.
викладач кафедри спеціальної фізичної підготовки Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ У статті на основі дослідження доктринальних джерел та емпіричного матеріалу було визначено безпосередній та додатковий факультативний об'єкт протиправного впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань. Вперше запропоновано розглядати об'єкт протиправного впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань з позиції суспільних відносин та охоронюваного кримінальним законом порядку відносин між людьми. В процесі проведеного нами соціологічного дослідження серед 126 респондентів (Дніпропетровська та Запорізька області), які професійно займалися такими видами спорту, як дзюдо, самбо, сумо, бокс, кікбоксинг, пауерліфтинг, комбат дзю-дзюцу, вільна боротьба, волейбол, гирьовий спорт, рукопашний бій, фрі-файт, було отримано такі результати: 67 (53%) опитуваних із загальної кількості в своїй спортивній кар'єрі зустрічали корупційні прояви, 21 (17%) особисто отримували пропозиції корупційного характеру, а 38 (30%) не зустрічали зовсім. Також на підтвердження актуальності досліджуваної нами тематики варто зазначити, що згідно з єдиним звітом про кримінальні правопорушення по державі Генеральної прокуратури України за період з 2015 по 2019 рік зареєстровано 7 кримінальних проваджень, передбачених ст. 369-3 КК України, двум особам вручено повідомлення про підозру. Відомості про засуджених осіб відсутні. Враховуючи проведене нами соціологічне дослідження та огляд звіту про кримінальні правопорушення по державі Генеральної прокуратури України за весь період існування ст. 369-3 КК України, можемо побачити наявний надвисокий рівень латентності злочинів, передбачених ст. 369-3 КК України на території нашої держави. Вважаємо, що дослідження змісту об'єкта злочину впливає на вірне вирішення виникаючих питань кримінально-правового регулювання. Це, зокрема, зумовлено у ч. 1 ст. 2 Кримінального кодексу України, де підставою кримінальної відповідальності є вчинення особою суспільно небезпечного діяння, яке містить склад злочину, передбаченого Кримінальним кодексом України. Так, дослідження об'єкту на цей час, як і раніше, заслуговує особливої уваги науковців кримінально-правової галузі. Ключові слова: об'єкт, спортивні змагання, протиправний вплив, кримінальна відповідальність, склад злочину. In this research article, based on a study of doctrinal sources and empirical material, a direct and additional optional object of illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions was identified. For the first time, it is proposed to consider the object of illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions from the perspective of public relations and protected by the criminal law the order of relations between people. In the course of our sociological survey among 126 respondents (Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia regions) who professionally practiced sports such as judo, sambo, boxing, kickboxing, powerlifting, jujutsu, freestyle wrestling, volleyball, kettlebell lifting, hand-to-hand combat and free fight the foll...
УДК 351.741 анісімов д.О. Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ заСтОСування фІзичнОї СиЛи яК СКЛадОва ОСОБиСтОї БезПеКи ПОЛІЦейСьКОгО: ШЛяхи вдОСКОнаЛення анотація. Стаття присвячена висвітленню сутності застосування фізичної сили як складової особистої безпеки поліцейського, а також формулюванню новітніх шляхів удосконалення окресленого питання, з урахуванням існуючих проблем та умов сучасного розвитку країни. У статті проаналізовано підходи різних вчених щодо визначення сутності «особистої безпеки». Також проаналізовано чинне законодавство України з боку правового аспекту застосування фізичної сили задля реалізації виконання завдань поліцейського, одним з яких є забезпечення особистої безпеки. Проаналізовано положення окремих підзаконних нормативно-правових актів, в частині регулювання фізичної підготовки поліцейських, як елементу службової підготовки. Автор акцентує увагу на необхідності використання інноваційних засобів сприяння вдосконаленню рівня фізичної підготовки працівників правоохоронних органів, зокрема, в частині опанування навичками володіння спеціальних прийомів самозахисту. Ключові слова. Фізична сила, самозахист, тактика самозахисту, спеціальні прийоми, поліцейський. anisimov dmytro Dnipropetrovsk State Univercity of Internal Affairs the uSe of phYSicaL foRce aS a coMponent of poLice peRSonaL SafetY: waYS to iMpRove Summary. The article is devoted to highlighting the essence of the use of physical force as a component of personal security of police officers, as well as formulating new ways of improving the outlined issue, taking into account existing problems and conditions of modern development of the country. In particular, this issue concerns law enforcement officers, as they are daily confronted with the threat of crime to their lives or health, in the performance of their duties related to the protection of public order and security, protection of citizens from criminal offenses, etc. In support of the above, the author analyzed the statistics of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine regarding the crime rate in Ukraine. The article analyzes the approaches of various scientists in defining the essence of «personal security». In particular, it emphasized the need for its security and environmental factors that affect the risk to the police. In particular, it emphasized the need for its security and environmental factors that affect the risk to the police. The article analyzes the current legislation of Ukraine from the legal aspect of the use of physical force for the implementation of police tasks, one of which is to ensure personal safety. Emphasis is placed on the need to cover issues such as the protection of personal safety in the performance of official duties, since, in the present, the lives and health of workers are increasingly the object of criminal misconduct. The provisions of separate by-laws, in terms of regulating the physical training of police officers as an element of official training, are analyzed. Based on the material examined, it is concluded th...
In the article based on the analysis of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of the Impact of Corruption Offenses on the Results of Official Sports Competitions" No. 743-VIII of November 03, 2015, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Implementation of the Liberalization Action Plan European Union Visa Regime for Ukraine concerning Liability of Legal Entities »No 314-VII of May 23, 2013, the subject of illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions was conducted. Publications in the media are a promising source of information in the detection of crimes in the field of physical culture and sports. The article investigated some of the available crime reports on the Internet, which suggest that the results of official sports events will be unlawfully affected. For the first time, the article proposes to provide for criminal-law measures against legal entities as the responsibility for unlawful influence on the results of official sports competitions. According to the results of the study, it is established that the subject of the crime under Part 1 and Part 2 of Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine may be a general actor: a natural convicted person who, at the time of committing the crime, was sixteen years of age, and under Part 3 of Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – a special actor, namely: athlete - an individual who systematically engages in a certain type (s) of sport recognized in Ukraine and participates in sports events; Personnel of auxiliary sports personnel - any coach, mentor, manager, agent, team worker, team official, medical and other personnel who serve or treat athletes who participate or prepare for sports competitions; sports official - owner, shareholder, manager or employee of a legal entity that organizes and facilitates sports competitions, as well as persons authorized to hold official sports events, executives and employees of an international sports organization, other competent sports organizations that recognize the competition. In order to ensure the unity of terminology, it is proposed to exclude the word "directly" from Part 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Preventing the Impact of Corruption Offenses on the Results of Official Sports Competitions”. In a note to Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, replace the word "subject" with "subjects", or separate part 3 of Art. 369-3 in a separate article to minimize confusion. Due to the fact that the legal influence on the results of official sports competitions can be made by legal entities, it is proposed to add Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to the list of articles for which according to Art. 96-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine may apply measures of a criminal nature.
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