In the conditions of a complex criminogenic situation, a high level of preparedness of police officers for effective actions in regular and extreme conditions is extremely important for successfully solving the tasks of ensuring proper law and order and public safety in the state. The professional training of employees is a decisive factor in the quality of law enforcement activities, ensuring legality in maintaining law and order and fighting crime.A high level of physical training as a component of professional training guarantees the effectiveness of operational and service tasks, ensuring the personal safety of the police officer and his surroundings.In modern society, it is no longer a secret for anyone how important it is for every person to be in good physical shape. The need for this is caused by the rhythm of modern life, new opportunities and challenges of today, and even the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. After all, with the development of society, new relationships also develop, the criminal world also actively uses new opportunities and gaps in the legislation, unprofessional actions or insufficient preparation of employees of the Security Service.Thus, the presence of a high level of physical training, perfect mastery of techniques and tactics for the application of measures of physical influence, self-defense skills and techniques of hand-to-hand combat in regular and extreme conditions of operational-service activity is the professional duty of every police officer.We can come to the conclusion that the level of physical training as a component of professional training affects the effectiveness of operational-service tasks, ensures the personal safety of the police officer and his environment, and therefore requires constant improvement and scientific research. The purpose of the research is the theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature on the researched topic, as well as the expert examination of the preparedness of the first-year cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. The following research methods were used to implement the tasks and achieve the goal: analysis of literary sources; synthesis of literary sources; generalization of literary sources; pedagogical observation; control exercises (tests); assessment of testing levels; mathematical statistics.In order to successfully solve the tasks for physical training classes, the motivational levers of the stable evaluation system, namely the “Scale for evaluating the results of physical training tests” were used. Resultsthe analysis of scientific and methodical literature and documents that regulate the educational process in special higher educational institutions of the armed forces gave reasons to assert that proper physical training is an important prerequisite for high-quality professional preparation of graduates of these universities for practical activities. At the same time, the problem of improving the quality of physical training of cadets in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, despite a significant number of developments, remains insufficiently studied.Taking into account the need for police officers to engage in confrontations with aggressive and, as a rule, well-trained violators, the problem of special physical training of cadets of higher educational institutions of the National Police of Ukraine has become extremely urgent.Also, based on our research, we can conclude that due to high workload, cadets do not have the opportunity to regularly engage in physical training and improve their physical level, and classes according to the educational and methodological plan cannot fully develop physical qualities cadets, that is why we see an insufficient development of strength in the cadets of the first year of the DDUVS. This is evidenced by the fact that, according to our research, only 32% (n = 8) of the subjects have an excellent level. Good was noted in 40% (n = 10), and a satisfactory level of strength development was found in 28% (n = 7) of the cadets. Practical implications. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that a complex theoretical and applied monodisciplinary study was conducted, dedicated to solving scientific and practical problems of the state of physical training of first-year cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. Value/originality. The obtained research results can be used to improve the level of physical training of cadets of the National Police of Ukraine.