logged stand of trees. 21. Lltterial data from (S), ndcate that t t e r f a lnputs of carbon are between about 50 and 120 g m-'year-' for coniferous forests of the Slerra transect above 1200 m eevaton We estimated carbon productivity for grasses at the Fabrook slte by assumng that ther v a l~~e s are smlar to those for other grassland soils In Cafornla (between 50 and 100 g m-' y e a r 1 [R. Vaentn et a1 , Ecology 76 1940 (1 995)] 22 D. C. Nepstad e i a/. , i~laiure 372 666 (I 994) 23 S E Trumbore er a1 , Global Biogeochem Cycles 9. 515 (1995). 24. W M Post era/., Nature 298, 156 (1 982); D. S. Jenklnson, D E Adams, A. W11d /bid 351,304 (1991), A. R. Townsend eta/., Chm Change 22, 293 (1992). 25. M. Klrschba~lm So11 Blol. Biochem. 27, 753 (1 995). 26. The est~mates of carbon change In Fig. 3 Ignore important factors, such as probable changes n carbon inputs to the soil by plants and feedbacks be-tween SOM decomposton and plant productivity, In additlon the climate transects studled ~n H a w a and the Serra Nevada Integrate long-term adj~~stment of ecosystems to average cllmatic cond~t~ons, and translent responses may not be predctabe from the temperature-turnover relations derlved here However, soil incubations and sol respratlon measurements have shown that on short t m e scales, carbon fluxes from soils are strongly dependent on temperature, with Ql , values ranglng from 2 to 5 [J. W. Rach and W. H. Schesnger, Tellus 448, 81 (1 992); D W. Klckghter er a/., J. Geophys Res. 99, 1303 (1 994)] (25) In accord with values, derlved from F g 2, of 3 0 to 3 8. [Q,, 1s the rateoia b i o o g c a process (here, decompositon) at one temperatwe divded by the rate of the process at a temperature 10°C cooler ] 27.