equipped for summer tourists and those who no longer need medical attention.For medium-altitude treatment (1,000 to 3,000 feet), there are many resorts throughout tbe east which are available and suitable for the whole year. There are the Adirondack Mountains of New York represented by its many lake resorts so well known that they need no exploitation here. Saranac Lake stands as no other one place for its great representation in the out-door treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, and no man in the profession is more loved than the one who made this region famous. Besides the Adirondacks, the east has tbe Catskill Mountains, the White Mountains, resorts of New Hampshire, the Blue Bidge Mountain region of Pennsylvania, ¡nul I he several resorts of Virginia. In the south, however, none stand so well to-day as Ashville (altitude 2,255 feet), which has gained an enviable reputation. There is no better place for all-year-round residence for those who need this altitude. The air is tonic and stimulating . like that, of higher elevations. In the west we have only two important places of medium altitude, Phoenix (altitude 1.087 feet) and Tucson (altitude 8,400 feet).1 place all the resorts of Southern California in the low altitude group. Both Phoenix and Tucson are suitable only for the winter months, both haying distinct advantages for dryness, amount of sunshine and the mildness of the winter climate. Tucson on account of its altitude and more stimulating climate has an advantage over Phoenix, and experience has taught me that Tucson will suit more cases than will Phoenix when climate alone is considered. For those who can exercise and ride ' about the country. Phoenix will be more agreeable.Low-altitude resorts are to be found for dill'erent months of fhe year in almost every section of the United Slates. In the east are the places along the lake region, the Great Lakes, the Thousand Islands, Central Platean of Massachusetts, the Berkshire Hills, northern New Jersey, etc. In the south are the resorts of North und South Carolina and Georgia including, of course, Aiken. Augusta and Thomasville. each having their advantages for thc winter months and all more or less relaxing in type, ln the west, we have San Antonio. Texas, (altitude (¡80 feet), which can he safely recommended Eor the winter months (December to April). Near the Pacific coast in California a great valley bus recently been made comfortable and many find health under tliese dry, ' ' ' -eel" '"'' its , '" v"luiliarilv request a so-called course l'"l|"\"T'1 tliaUi"'1'"1 '"nic eifeet-On inquirv we have '''"is ! ' ' , % ini '' Ln8tances in which local irritation '¡nn ' , . i i'n, |. il i'""-s°me of fhe American prepara-""nti Paper'" e'liploved. It seems, therefore.Sit !,""-Un« i-U""M De wholly incomplete without .'"ii , '" Ifi i l i -n' 11 i 11' "1 we obtained tliese preparations '"'Us 1' ¡ 1"' 1' more J "'""jeeinical houses, us thev bave 66 from i^U ecessfu] in manufacturing prepara-"'»•itating local effects.