The problem in this research relates to the learning theory that rarely considered as a basis in learning in Indonesia. learning plans and syllabus structure in the national curriculum is not included learning theory point. learning theory only has been less studied in the subjects in geography education undergraduate. This makes learning theory material less explored. Learning theory is also often forgotten in educational research undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Many research did not allude to the relevance of learning theory in learning. After graduating, they less develop or linking learning theory with the teaching profession. That condition makes learning essence should be strengthened to become weak or even disappear.This research aims to describe the compatibility when applying outdoor study environment subjects with the psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning theory in senior high school. This research used a qualitative methodology with the type of descriptive exploitative research. Data sources are students and geography teachers. The process of collecting data uses the method of observation and interviews. Data were analyzed with the 6 Cresswell's qualitative analyzing steps. The results show that the application of outdoor study is suitable both the psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning. The compatibility is reflected in the learning activities, there are: before, during, and after working in the outdoor. The teacher's ability to implement the basis of psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning makes learning more easily understood and meaningful for students. Keywords: meaningful learning, outdoor study, psychological theories. References Agra et al. (2019). Analysis of The Cocept of Meaningful Learning in Light of The Ausubel’s Theory. Rev Bras Enferm 72(1), 248-255. Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (2015). 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Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License
The basic values of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) consist of accountability, nationalism, public ethics, quality commitment, and anti-corruption. The position and role of ASN in the Republic of Indonesia consists of ASN management, the Whole of Government and Public Services. The basic values, roles, and position must be reflected in the issue of solving activities in the basic training activities of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. This type of research is a pre-experimental paper with the subject of Udergraduate Geography Education 2016 class. Actualization was carried out from 16 August to 20 November 2018 at USN Kolaka. Activities on campus include: 1) carrying out environmental awareness counseling for students 2) implementing the environmental care integrity pact. 3) GIS training on environmental studies. Off campus activities include: 1) planting trees in the campus environment of USN Kolaka, 2) cleaning the gutters in the campus environment of USN Kolaka, 3) counseling and outreach activities to the community are adapted into environmental awareness counseling by students and lecturers to students in other majors (Mathematics Education). The research instruments were self evaluation, pretest and posttest. Self evaluation data were analyzed descriptively. While the pretest and posttest data were analyzed using parametric inferential statistics through one sample t-test with the help of SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of data analysis showed that there was an influence of Basic Training on the characters of environmental awareness of students with the significance value of testing one sample t-test with the help of SPSS 16.0 for Windows of 0,000. All activities nuanced basic values, roles and positions of ASN in the Homeland.Keywords: basic training, character, environment awareness AbstrakNilai-nilai dasar Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) terdiri dari akuntabilitas, nasionalisme, etika publik, komitmen mutu, dan anti korupsi. Kedudukan dan peran ASN dalam NKRI terdiri dari manajemen ASN, Whole of Government dan Pelayanan Publik. Nilai dasar, peran, dan kedudukan tersebut wajib tercermin dalam kegiatan pemecahan isu pada kegiatan pelatihan dasar Kementristek Dikti. Jenis penelitian makalah adalah pre eksperimen dengan subjek mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi Kelas 2016. Aktualisasi dilakukan dari 16 Agustus hingga 20 November 2018 di USN Kolaka. Kegiatan on campus meliputi: 1) melaksanakan penyuluhan peduli lingkungan kepada mahasiswa 2) penerapan pakta integritas peduli lingkungan. 3) Pelatihan SIG kajian lingkungan. Kegiatan off campus meliputi: 1) penanaman Pohon di lingkungan kampus USN Kolaka, 2) Pembersihan Selokan di lingkungan kampus USN Kolaka, 3) kegiatan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi ke masyarakat diadaptasi menjadi penyuluhan kepedulian lingkungan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen ke Mahasiswa jurusan lain (S1 Pendidikan Matematika). Instrumen penelitian adalah self evaluation, pretest dan posttest. Data self evaluation dianalisis dengan deskrriptif. Sedangkan data pretest dan posttest dianalisis menggunakan statistik inferensial parametrik melalui uji satu sampel t-tes dengan bantuan SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh Pelatihan Dasar pada karakter karakter kesadaran lingkungan siswa dengan nilai signifikansi pengujian satu sampel t-test dengan bantuan SPSS 16.0 for Windows sebesar 0.000. Seluruh kegiatan bernuansa nilai dasar, peran, dan kedudukan ASN dalam NKRI.Kata Kunci: pelatihan dasar, karakter, kepedulian lingkungan
The population in Katobu District and Duruka District are always increased. BPS data shown increased from 2011 to 2018 in Katobu District as much 3.194 people and Duruka District as much as 1.205 people. This caused the requirement of settlement area also increased. The research aim was to determine the suitability between settlement land use map and actual conditions in Katobu District and Duruka District. This research type is a regional survey. Data were collected by interviews and observations. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive with percentage and scoring. The results shown the settlements map in Katobu and Duruka Districts in the S1 category 53.65%, S2 4.46%, and N1 41.89%. The suitability between settlement map in Katobu and Duruka Districts with actual conditions reached 100%. This showed that the GIS spatial analysis map results can be used in determining policies or public consumption related to the suitability of settlement locations in Katobu District and Duruka District of Muna Regency.Keywords: suitability, actual conditions, settlement mapping Jumlah penduduk di Kecamatan Katobu dan Kecamatan Duruka selalu meningkat. Data BPS menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun 2011 ke 2018 di Kecamatan Katobu sebanyak 3.194 jiwa dan kecamatan Duruka sebanyak 1.205 jiwa. Hal ini menyebabkan kebutuhan akan lahan permukiman juga meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kesesuaian peta penggunaan lahan permukiman dengan kondisi sebenarnya di Kecamatan Katobu dan Kecamatan Duruka. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey wilayah. Cara pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase dan skoring. Hasil menunjukkan peta permukiman di Kecamatan Katobu dan Kecamatan Duruka pada kategori S1 53,65%, S2 4,46%, dan N1 41,89%. Kesesuaian peta permukiman di Kecamatan Katobu dan Kecamatan Duruka dengan kondisi sebenarnya mencapai 100%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peta hasil analisis spasial SIG dapat digunakan dalam penentuan kebijakan atau konsumsi masyarakat terkait kesesuaian lokasi permukiman di Kecamatan Katobu dan Kecamatan duruka Kabupaten Muna.Kata Kunci: kesesuaian, kondisi sebenarnya, pemetaan permukiman
A microgravity investigation on bedrock topography was conducted at Maluri park reference level in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The study aim to mapping the near-surface structure and soil and land cover distribution for geography and geophysics surveys. Two types of cross-section modeling of the residual anomaly generated the MaluriBouguer Anomaly model for site-1 and site-2 at Maluri Park. The 2D microgravity models produced the contour map, displaying the characterization due to density contrast in rock types while mapping the subsurface geological structure at different depths. Moreover, a synthetic model was initiated with the assumption of lateral distance on the left and right sides taken at 50 m and a depth of 60 m. The results of modeling confirmed that the soil and rock type composition on both models site tests are topsoil (1.1 to 1.92 g/cm3), soil (1.8 g/cm3), clay (1.63 g/cm3), gravel (1.7 g/cm3), sand (2.0 g/cm3), shale (2.4 g/cm3), sandstone (2.76 g/cm3), and limestone (2.9 g/cm3). The 2D gravity modeling using two model site tests obtained a correspondence with the observed microgravity data. Keywords: Bouguer anomaly, limestone, microgravity, soil structure, topography. References Amaluddin, L. O., Rahmat, R., Surdin, S., Ramadhan, M. I., Hidayat, D. N., Purwana, I. G., & Fayanto, S. (2019). The Effectiveness of Outdoor Learning in Improving Spatial Intelligence. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(3), 667–680. Arisona,A., Mohd N., Amin E.K., &Abdullahi, A.(2018).Assessment of microgravity anomalies of soil structure for geotechnical 2d models.Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology (JGEET)3(3), 151-154. Georgsson, L.S. (2009). Geophysical Methotds Used in Geothermal Exploration. Presented at Exploration for Geothermal Resources, 1-22 November 2009, 1-16. Grandjean, G. (2009). From Geophysical Parameters to Soil Characteristics.Florida: Report N°BRGM/FP7-DIGISOIL Project Deliverable 2.1, Final ReportDepartment of Civil and Coastal EngineeringUniversity of Florida. Hiltunen, D.R., Hudyma,N.,Tran,K.T.,&Sarno,A.I. (2012).Geophysical Testing of Rock and Its Relationthipsto Physical Properties.Florida:Final ReportDepartment ofCivil and Coastal EngineeringUniversity ofFlorida. Kirsch,R. (2006).GroundwaterGeophysics, ATool for Hydrogeology.New York: Springer. Kamal,H.,Taha,M.,&Al-Sanad,S. (2010). Geoenvironmental Engineering and Geotechnics, GeoShanghai 2010 International Conference. (accessed 02.03.17) Lilie, R.J. (1999).Whole Earth Geophysics: An Introductory Textbook for Geologists and Geophysicists. New Jersey:Prentice-HallInc. Pringle, J.K., Styles, P., Howell, C.P.,Branston, M.W., Furner, R., &Toon,S.M. (2012). Long-term time-lapse microgravity and geotechnical monitoring of relict salt mines, marston, cheshire, uk. Geophysic77(6), 165-171. Samsudin, H.T.(2003).A microgravity survey over deep limestone bedrock.Bulletin of Geological Society of Malaysia4(6), 201-208. Tan, S.M. (2005). Karsticfeatures of kualalumpur limestone. Bulletin of the Institution of EnginnerMalaysia 4(7), 6-11. Tajuddin, A.&Lat, C.N. (2004).Detecting subsurfacevoids using the microgravity method, a case study from kualalipis, pahang.Bulletin of Geological Society of Malaysia 3(48), 31-35. Tuckwell, G., Grossey, T., Owen, S., & Stearns, P. (2008). The use of microgravity to detect small distributed voids and low-density ground. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41(3), 371–380. Wanjohi, A.W. (2014). Geophysical Field Mapping. Presented at Exploration for Geothermal Resources, 2-23 November 2014, 1-9. Yusoff , Z.M., Raju,G. &Nahazanan, H.(2016).Static and dynamic behaviour of kualalumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering Special Issue Vol.28 (1), p.:18-25. Zabidi, H. & De Freitas, M.H. (2011).Re-evaluation of rock core logging for the prediction of preferred orientations of karst in the kualalumpur limestone formation. Engineering Geology, 117(3-4), p.: 159–169. Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License
Lingkungan pesisir dan pantai terjaga dengan adanya tanaman mangrove. Abrasi yang mengenai jalan by pass Kolaka yang berhadapan dengan Teluk Bone dapat direduksi oleh mangrove sebagai tanggul alami. Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi FKIP USN Kolaka perlu mempraktekkan upaya penanaman mangrove sebagai upaya untuk untuk meningkatkan kepedulian lingkungan pesisir dan pantai. Pelaksanaan penanaman melibatkan 15 mahasiswa, 5 instruktur, dan 12 panitia yang merupakan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat penanaman pohon mangrove. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan membersihkan lingkungan pesisir dan pantai dari sampah, menanam, dan merawat 200 pohon mangrove. Mahasiswa merasakan manfaat dalam hal mengasah karakter peduli lingkungan pesisir dan pantai dengan melakukan praktek langsung dan mengkaitkan dengan mata kuliah terkait. Kegiatan dapat dijadikan role model dan kegiatan rutin bagi perusahaan yang memiliki dampak kepada lingkungan sekitar. Mangrove Planting in The Kolaka By Pass Beach for Construct Students Coastal and Beach Environment Awareness Abstact The coastal and coastal environment is maintained by the presence of mangrove plants. Abrasion on the Kolaka by-pass road facing Bone Bay can be reduced by mangroves as natural embankments. S1 students of Geography Education FKIP USN Kolaka need to practice mangrove planting efforts to increase awareness of the coastal and beach environment. The implementation of the planting involved 15 students, five instructors, and 12 committees who were a community service team for planting mangrove trees. Activities carried out by cleaning the coastal and beach environment from garbage, planting, and caring for 200 mangrove trees. Students feel the benefits of honing the character of caring for the coastal and beach environment by doing direct practice and linking it with related courses. Activities can be used as role models and routine activities for companies that impact the surrounding environment.
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