The fixA, fixB, fixC, and flxX genes of Rhizobium meliloti 1021 constitute an operon and are required for nitrogen fixation in alfalfa nodules. DNA homologous to the R. meliloti fixABC genes is present in all other Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium species examined, butJlxABC-homologous sequences were found in only one free-living diazotroph, Azotobacter vinelandii. To determine whether the fixABCX genes share sequence homology with any of the 17 KlebsieUla pneumoniae nif genes, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of the fixA, fixB, fixC, and fixX genes and defined four open reading frames that code for polypeptides of molecular weights 31,146, 37,786, 47,288, and 10,937, respectively. Neither DNA nor amino acid sequence homology to the R. melilotifixA, -B, -C, and -X genes was found in the K. pneumoniae nifoperon. The fixX gene contains a cluster of cysteine residues characteristic of ferredoxins and is highly homologous to an Azotobacter ferredoxin which has been shown to donate electrons to nitrogenase. ThefixABC operon contains a promoter region that is highly homologous to other nifA-activated promoters. We also found a duplication of the 5' end of the fixABCX operon; a 250-bp region located 520 bp upstream of theJixABCX promoter bears more than 65% homology to the 5' end of the transcribed region, including the first 32 codons of fixA.Several genes have been identified as essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation by the bacterium Rhizobium meliloti.These genes are characterized as nif and fix genes. By definition, the nif genes of R. meliloti are those which bear structural or functional homology to the well-characterized nifgenes of the free-living, nitrogen-fixing species Klebsiella pneumoniae. Thefix genes, on the other hand, are essential for nitrogen fixation by virtue of the Fix-phenotype of nodules elicited by strains which contain mutations in these genes (1, 4, 15, 29, 31) but have not yet been assigned a biochemical function.In R. meliloti three fix genes, fixA, fixB, and fixC, were previously identified which are closely linked to a cluster of nif genes located on a large endogenous plasmid, the socalled Sym plasmid (29,31) (Fig. 1). The fixABC genes are located in a single operon (6, 31) and are transcriptionally activated coordinately with the nitrogenase structural genes nifH, -D, and -K by the nifA gene product (38).In the work reported here, we examined the fine structure of the fixABC genes and attempted to determine their evo-