Objectives This study analyzed the trends of Korean research on secondary school STEAM learning targeting master’s and doctoral dissertations released for the last 10 years from 2012 to 2021 in order to present foundational material that can help study STEAM and conduct related education afterwards.
Methods By using the database of KERIS, this author selected 176 master’s and doctoral dissertations related to STEAM and analyzed the trends of research in terms of study characteristics, topics, subjects, and methods. Concerning the study method, this research conducted frequency analysis and crossover analysis using Excel as part of literature review.
Results First, according to the results of analyzing the characteristics of theses, regarding the years of publication, a lot of research was done from 2013 to 2019 as 145 theses (82.4%). Concerning universities releasing them, more theses were released by ‘Korea National University of Education’, ‘Yonsei University’, ‘Kongju National University’, and ‘Ewha Womans University’ in order. About degrees, 165 were ‘master’s theses’, and 11 were ‘doctoral dissertations’. Second, regarding the topics of research, 47 were about ‘development’, 36 were for ‘development and application’, 29 were about ‘influences and effects’, and 26 dealt with ‘analysis’, and so on. Third, about the subjects of research, 82 theses targeted ‘literatures’, 46 ‘middle school students’, and 34 ‘high school students’, and so on. Fourth, concerning study methods, 83 were ‘studies reviewing literatures’ and 79 were ‘quantitative research’.
Conclusions Based on the above results of analyzing the major trends, this author concludes that research on secondary school STEAM learning deals with such topics as ‘development’ and ‘development and application’, targets literatures or middle/high school students, and adopts study methods like literature review or quantitative research. Follow-up research will have to be done systematically in a way to excavate diverse topics about secondary school STEAM learning and diversity the subjects and methods further.