Same SubgrauP, Ir haS the quantum numberS (sr, rs), P the quantum numbers (-'"-',), and for Ao one has (0,0). It then follows that the (Rom') system in this reaction is uniquely in an "I"=1 state, hence, that the reaction amplitude is purely antisymmetric under E'~~m'. But this means that the differential cross section must be symmetric under interchange of the K' and &' momentuxn vectors. (3) Similarly, consider the reaction y+p-+ PI *+Z++sr+. In the octet model of SU(3) one can define a subgroup" " '4 N. Cabibbo and R. Gatto, Nuovo Cirnento 21, 872 (1961). similar to the one discussed under (2). With respect to this subgroup, K+ and~+ belong to a common doublet L("I", "I,")= (-', ,-',) fOr Z+; (s,-',) fOr Ir+]; p haS the quantum numbers (-, ',-' ,), the 1385-MeV resonance F'I *, supposedly belonging to the representation ten, " has the quantum numbers (ss, rs), and the photon transforms like a scalar (0,0). Therefore, the (%+sr+) system in this reaction is in a pure "I"= 1 state, hence, the reaction amplitude is symmetric under K+~&+.