The aim of this study is to compare the effects of Carnitine, Gensing, Dill and Arginine in characteristics of the sperms:total sperm, percentage of live and dead sperm, normal and abnormal sperm in male normal and exposuedrats to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide H2O2(0.5%) in drinking water during the experiment for 30 days. Fifty male rats used in age 12-14 weeks in weights (300-325g) divided randomly into 10 groups, included 5 in each group as following.
Control, H2O2 , Carnitine , carnitine + H2O2 , Gensing , Gensing + H2O2, Dill, Dill+ H2O2, Arginine, Arginine + H2O2 groups.
Results showed:
1- Treating normal rats with Carnitine, Gensing , Dill, Arginine, led to a significant increase in value(P≤0.05) in Total sperm, percentage of live sperm, and a significant decrease in dead sperm and no difference in normal and abnormal sperm percentage comparing to control group.
2- Oxidative stress Induced by H2O2 led to significant increase in value (P≤ 0.05) in percentage of abnormal sperm comparing to control group. While there were a significant decrease in value (P≤0.05) in Total sperm, percentage of live and normal sperm.
3- Treating rats exposure to oxidative stress with Carnitine, Gensing, Dill, Arginine, led to a significant decrease in value (P≤0.05) in percentage of abnormal and dead sperm, While the treating led to significant increase in Total sperm, percentage of live and normal sperm.