Abstract. Preserving local genius is one of the ways to keep values existed in a society. In relation to that this present study aims to identify the procedures of traditional games called megoak-goakan , and reveal the ethno-pedagogy values contained within megoakgoakan. This study employs a qualitative view and utilizes ethnographic study. The setting of the study is in Buleleng regency, Bali. In order to collect the data, the researcher utilizes interview, observation sheet, and field notes. The interviewees were decided through purposive s sampling. Further, there are three main components of the data analysis comprising data reduction, data modelling, and conclusion. Based on the investigation, it is revealed that the procedures of traditional game of megoak-goakan are as follows: form a group, decide the snake group and the crow groups, line up and holding each other, determine the tail of the snake, the crow starts hunting the snake tail, while the head of the snake prevents it, the crow and the snake move freely as the agreement stated, the crow shouts as it catch the tail, and winning and losing are decided by whether or not the crow is able to catch the tail. In addition, this game is also expected to bring philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological values.
This present study aims at investigating the correlation between teachers 0.2560 (25.60%)
Language skills are essential for early childhood, being able to speak clearly and process speech sounds, understand others, express ideas, and interact with others are the building blocks for a child's development. Therefore, this study will examine the effect of the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) instructional strategies with media images on children's language skills. This research is a quasi-experimental design with a posttest only and using a control group. The sample in this study were children in two kindergartens in the village of Banjar Tegal. Data analysis in this study was carried out by quantitative descriptive methods using t-test analysis techniques. The results of this study in kindergarten students in Banjar Tegal Village show that there is an influence of the IOC learning model with picture media on children's language skills (tcount = 6.28> ttable = 2.00). 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Abstract. The significance of character education has becoming an appealing issue to be discussed. Its significance has been brought to school through a number of practices. In fact, character education is not merely the result of schooling but this is a widespread from integration of character education in local culture. This present study attempts to explore character values contained within a local genius called subak pancoran. Further, this study is a qualitative study by utilizing ethnographic design. It was conducted in Buleleng regency, Bali. There are three ways that the researcher uses to collect the data, namely interview, observation sheet, and field notes. The subjects are selected purposefully. Accordingly, the collected data are analysed qualitatively. This study reveals that subak pancoran tradition emphasis on the following characters; tolerance, religious, democratic, communicative, hard work, responsible, mutual help, and environmental awareness. The children character development cannot be separated from the culture where children live and grow. The contribution of this study to the board of knowledge will also be added.
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